The Socialist Workers Party has launched an ambitious campaign over the final two months of the 2024 elections to expand the reach of the Militant, the SWP campaign of Rachele Fruit for president and Dennis Richter for vice president, books by its leaders and other revolutionaries and to raise $140,000 for the work of the party.
The political heart of the effort is captured in the Militant ’s front-page headline last week, “Endorse the Socialist Workers Party 2024 campaign: ‘Working class needs to take political power.’”
We are presenting a road forward for working people, a class break from the capitalist rulers and their political parties, for an independent course for today’s working-class struggles. We call for the formation of a party of labor, based on the unions, to draw in tens of millions of toilers on the road to taking political power.
Workers are determined to defend our class interests. This is reflected in today’s strike at Boeing and other labor battles, part of broader resistance to the deepening economic and social crisis imposed by capitalism. All these struggles are political battles.

This fight doesn’t end at the U.S. borders. Workers are an international class. We share common interests in the fight against expanding wars today, with the danger of nuclear conflagration; against assaults on constitutional freedoms; and against Jew-hatred and deadly pogroms against Jews in Israel.
A key part of this effort is to win a growing number of endorsers for the SWP campaign of Fruit and Richter, those who are committed to join in campaigning and involving others they know — friends, co-workers and family.
Our goal is to come out of the campaign with a stronger party to participate in the deeper struggles to come.
The effort to win 1,300 subscribers and get 1,300 books into the hands of workers and others looking for a working-class road forward and making the SWP Party-Building Fund goals will run for eight weeks, from Sept. 21 through Nov. 19. This will coincide with the tours of Rachele Fruit and Dennis Richter and campaigns of SWP candidates for U.S. Senate and Congress.
Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, and Militant readers elsewhere, will join the effort. It also coincides with working-class battles, from the resistance of rail workers in Canada, striking hotel workers, nurses and health care workers in many parts of the world, and more.
We will count all subscriptions and books sold since Labor Day, where SWP members and campaign endorsers participated and reached out to fellow union members, including many strikers.
During the campaign, 11 books will be offered at a special discount to all those who get a subscription. A special ad showing the specials will be run weekly in the Militant. And all of Pathfinder’s titles will be available for 20% off.
The Party-Building Fund aims to assure the SWP comes out of this effort stronger. The party relies entirely on contributions from members, supporters and others who want to see its program and activities meet the opportunities in politics today.
The SWP campaign has been conducting a short-term effort to raise $15,000 for this fall’s push. All contributions should be sent in before the Party-Building Fund begins Sept. 21.
The first scoreboard for the campaign will be run in the Militant that prints Oct. 2. The paper will feature stories about who is endorsing and what they’re doing to spread the reach of the SWP ticket.
Join in!
In solidarity,
John Studer
Militant editor