Rachele Fruit, SWP candidate for president, at Miami campaign event Sept. 15. She also met International Longshoremen’s Association members facing Oct. 1 strike deadline.
Endorse, build Socialist Workers Party campaign!
Rachele Fruit for president • Dennis Richter vice president

‘Working people need to take political power’

Fruit: ‘Back striking Boeing workers! Build solidarity’ MIAMI — On a steamy morning here Sept. 15 Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Rachele Fruit met workers at the International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1416 hall to learn more about their fight for…

Richter: ‘We need our own party, a party of labor’

EAST POINT, Ga. — Several striking Communications Workers of America members on the picket line here welcomed Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. vice president, Sept. 13. They explained why more than 17,000 CWA members who work for…

Fight against Jew-hatred! Defend Israel as refuge for Jews!

Home in Katsrin in Israel hit by Hezbollah missile Aug. 21. Hezbollah attacks have forced evacuation of 55,000 people from northern Israel. Blows Israeli forces have dealt to Hamas in Gaza have put them in a strengthened position to take on threat from Hezbollah in Lebanon.

As the one-year anniversary of Hamas’ Oct. 7 pogrom against Jews in Israel approaches, Israeli forces keep making progress in dismantling the Nazi-like group, while dealing blows to Hezbollah in Lebanon. The goal of both Tehran-financed groups is to destroy…

Boeing workers on strike after 16 years without a new contract

RENTON, Wash. — A major showdown has erupted between some 33,000 workers, organized by International Association of Machinists District Lodge 751, and Boeing, one of two major producers of commercial airplanes worldwide. The Machinists shut down production Sept. 13 after…

Join fight against ban on the ‘Militant’ in Florida prison

It’s now been nearly five months since Militant issue no. 17 was impounded by Jackson Correctional Institution prison authorities in Malone, Florida. Every day that goes by without the overturn of the ban is a serious violation of prisoners’ constitutional…


Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.