The Socialist Workers Party is running Eric Simpson for mayor of Oakland, and the party will be announcing candidates across the country in coming weeks. Join in campaigning for the only party that is rooted in the working class and dedicated to its class interests. Its goal is to organize our class to take political power from the ruling capitalist families, uproot all forms of exploitation and oppression, and extend a hand to revolutionary struggles worldwide.
The SWP’s 2024 ticket, Rachele Fruit for president and Dennis Richter for vice president, got a serious hearing for this program.
This year the party’s candidates and their supporters will walk union picket lines and build solidarity with striking workers. Maximizing support is crucial to winning victories and to strengthening workers’ confidence and readiness for further struggle.
In the sharpening trade and military conflicts shaking the capitalist world, the U.S. rulers are driving against all their rivals. They intend to use working people as cannon fodder in these clashes. The SWP candidates say there are no “American” interests that workers share with the bosses. Our interests lie in the opposite direction, with fellow workers worldwide, against the employers and the political parties that serve them.
Central to a working-class foreign policy today is defending Israel as a refuge against Jew-hatred and pogroms. The capitalist rulers in Iran and their proxies are determined to carry out another Holocaust to annihilate the Jewish people. Jew-hatred is endemic in the imperialist epoch. It’s used by the capitalist rulers whenever they fear workers fighting for power.
SWP candidates advance demands to combat bosses’ efforts to set native-born against foreign-born workers, to divide and weaken the working class. The party calls on unions to fight for an amnesty for all undocumented workers in the U.S. Such a fight would help unite working people, strengthen all union fights and prepare our class for the sharper struggles to come.
The working class is the only class with the power, experience in common struggle, and capacity to fight capitalist rule and win.
Workers need a party of labor, to organize all workers — those working or out of a job, retirees, union members and the unorganized — to fight for the things our class needs. It would join struggles against racist violence, women’s subjugation and national oppression and reach out to defend the small farmers and other exploited producers.
SWP candidates point to the need to expand and deepen the political organization of working people everywhere. They explain all our struggles are political struggles. Which class rules is the decisive question facing workers here and worldwide.
Join the SWP campaigns. Become part of the fight for a socialist world.