Over 4,300 shipbuilding workers on strike in Bath, Maine, since June 22 on the picket line.

Shipyard strike is a fight for all working people!

Union strikes to defend jobs, a future against boss attacks

BATH, Maine — Over 4,300 members of Machinists Local S6 have entered the second week on strike against Bath Iron Works, a subsidiary of General Dynamics that builds destroyers and other ships for the Navy and is Maine’s largest private…

Socialist Workers Party Statement

Demand jobs program to put millions back to work!

 Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement July 1. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. Workers today confront rising competition among our class for jobs amid massive unemployment, a result of the…

Amid layoffs, workers resist attacks from bosses, gov’t

Since June 6 hundreds of Indian women garment workers have blocked entrance of Euro Clothing Company in Srirangapatna, demanding the reinstatement of 1,300 sacked workers.

The unity and fighting spirit of thousands of striking shipbuilding workers at Bath Iron Works in Maine is an example for workers everywhere as we seek ways to resist growing boss attacks on our jobs, wages and conditions.   Backed…

Hong Kong protests defy Beijing’s drive to tighten grip

In largest protest in Hong Kong this year, thousands rallied July 1 to commemorate 23rd anniversary of end of British colonial rule and reknitting of ties to China. Defying police attacks, they marched to press demands for political rights in opposition to new “security” law imposed by Beijing.

Defying a ban by Hong Kong authorities thousands joined the biggest demonstration in the city in many months, on the July 1 anniversary of the end of British colonial rule and the territory’s return to Chinese sovereignty in 1997.  They…

SWP 2020 campaign presents fighting working-class program

Omari Musa, right, SWP candidate for D.C. Congress delegate, speaks with retired worker James Cunningham June 27.

Outrage at the impact of the crisis of capitalism on the lives of working people — from police brutality to bosses’ assaults on wages and working conditions, and workers’ resistance to these attacks — is increasing interest in the Socialist…


A working-class road to expand rights for all the oppressed

Court ruling muddying biological sex and ‘gender identity’ endangers gains won in struggle
1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, part of powerful Black-led working-class movement that overthrew Jim Crow segregation. Another product of this struggle was new Civil Rights Act passed the following year that outlawed employer discrimination in hiring, firing or promotion based on “race, color, religion, sex or national origin.”

An article in last week’s issue of the Militant — under the headline “Supreme Court: Job Discrimination for Being Gay, Transgender Is Illegal. Ruling Includes ‘Poison Pill’ Against Women’s Rights Fight” — was wrong. It erroneously implied that the June…

Socialist Workers Party leadership sets course ahead

Adopts course to build union solidarity • defend constitutional freedoms • fight for wages, hours, job conditions that prevent families in working class from being torn apart • defend Cuba’s socialist revolution and its example in the U.S. and world over
International Educational Conference in Oberlin, Ohio, June 8-10, brought together over 330 people for reports, discussion on communist program, continuity and activities. Right, SWP literature table during conference.
OBERLIN, Ohio — “The sweeping indictment of Donald Trump under the Espionage Act by President Joseph…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.