Opponents of US embargo on Cuba counter rightist provocations

By Rachele Fruit
and Martín Koppel
August 22, 2022
Opponents of US embargo on Cuba counter rightist provocations
Militant/Rachele Fruit

Car caravans and other actions took place across the country July 31 to demand an end to the decadeslong U.S. economic war against Cuba. In both Miami and New York, rightist provocateurs attempted to disrupt the protests. Organized by Bridges of Love, led by Seattle teacher Carlos Lazo, and other groups, some 70 people in 30 cars joined the caravan in Miami. As protesters gathered to begin the caravan, above, a crowd of an equal number of opponents of the Cuban Revolution gathered across the street. They shouted vulgar threats against protesters and burned a July 26 flag, the flag of the Cuban combatants who led the workers and farmers revolution to victory in 1959. 

Despite these threats, the caravan set out, winning support along the route, leading to a successful rally at the airport. Among those participating were a dozen people who had just returned from trips to Cuba sponsored by IFCO/Pastors for Peace and the Venceremos Brigade. 

The New York-New Jersey Cuba Sí coalition held its monthly action protesting Washington’s embargo against Cuba at the José Martí statue in Central Park. Some 50 people attended. Opponents of the revolution called an “anti-communist counterprotest” at the same place and time, and eight or nine showed up. The rightists shouted provocative epithets, and one rushed into the anti-embargo action, slapped and shoved some demonstrators and ripped a couple of their signs. Participants in the Cuba Sí action held their line, prevented further provocations and successfully concluded their action.