Dan Fein, left, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Illinois governor, talks with factory worker Jesse Bridges at his door while campaigning in Kankakee neighborhood July 29.

SWP: Workers need to take political power

Join the Socialist Workers Party 2018 campaign!

The following statement is from John Studer, chairman of the Socialist Workers Party National Campaign Committee. Efforts by the Donald Trump administration to open negotiations with the governments of North Korea, Russia, Iran, China and the Taliban in Afghanistan are…

SWP takes party, program to workers on doorsteps

As they campaign on workers’ doorsteps in big and small cities and rural areas across the country, Socialist Workers Party candidates and their supporters discuss why a class-struggle road forward is necessary in face of the attacks today from the…

US capitalist rulers face deepening political crisis

As the Democrats and Republicans — the twin parties of capitalist rule — gear up for the 2018 elections, both continue to be wracked by political crises that have accelerated following the election of Donald Trump as president. What lies…


Dallas film spotlights 1973 cop murder of Santos Rodriguez

Dallas film spotlights 1973 cop murder of Santos Rodriguez

DALLAS — Over 500 people attended a widely publicized July 24 screening of the new film “Santos Vive,” which documents the murder of 12-year-old Santos Rodriguez at the hands of city police here on that day in 1973. The film,…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.