Feb. 26 picket in Erie, Pa. With broad support, 1,700 members of United Electrical Workers struck against deep concessions imposed by Wabtec. Agreement suspends cuts for 90 days.

Erie UE strike ends, Wabtec bosses agree to negotiations

Fight continues against bosses’ cutback demands

ERIE, Pa. — A nine-day strike at the former GE Transportation plant here ended March 6 after a 90-day deal was reached to hold contract negotiations. Bosses at Wabtec — Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp. — which took over GE…

Nat’l blackout deepens crisis in Venezuela – US hands off!

Thousands participated in rival demonstrations in Venezuela March 9 in response to counterposed calls by President Nicolás Maduro and U.S.-groomed opposition leader Juan Guaidó amid a growing political and social crisis. Guaidó, head of the National Assembly controlled by bourgeois…

‘Workers need to organize our own party to take power’

Truck driver Bill Scholl gets subscription to the Militant from Samantha Hamlin, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Troy, in his driveway in Waterford, New York, March 9.

In Opelika, Alabama, the next town over from tornado-devastated Beauregard, Janice Lynn reports that she and fellow Socialist Workers Party member Dave Ferguson went door to door March 8. They introduced the party and discussed the effects of the March…


Sign up for International May Day Cuba Brigade

CHICAGO — More than 30 people turned out here for a March 10 film showing to build and raise funds for the 14th May Day International Volunteer Work Brigade in Solidarity with Cuba. The event was sponsored by the Chicago…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.