Workers from Nebraska brought solidarity to locked-out Marathon refinery workers in St. Paul Park, Minnesota, March 13. At left, Diane Dormer and railroad conductor Lance Anton. At right, Joe Swanson, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Lincoln, Nebraska, City Council.

Back locked-out Marathon oil workers’ fight for safety!

‘Your fight is our fight,’ say Nebraska workers

ST. PAUL PARK, Minn. — Locked-out Marathon oil refinery workers continue to picket here 24/7 and receive much-needed solidarity from other workers and unionists. The 200 workers, members of Teamsters Local 120, were locked out by the bosses Jan. 22…

Biden hypes ‘Rescue’ bill, but workers need jobs now

When President Joseph Biden went on television to deliver his first presidential address March 11, it was to tout the Democratic Party-controlled Congress passing his $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan.” He claims it puts “working people in this nation first.”…

Protest: ‘Indict the police who killed Breonna Taylor now!’

Tamika Palmer, center, marches behind banner with portrait of her daughter Breonna Taylor, in Louisville March 13 on first anniversary of fatal shooting by police. Hundreds who took part demanded the cops responsible face criminal charges over her killing.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — On the March 13 anniversary of the midnight police raid that took Breonna Taylor’s life last year, hundreds of people marched through downtown Louisville to demand the police responsible be held accountable. Demands to prosecute the police…


1965 Selma-Montgomery mobilizations won voting rights victory

How Black-led civil rights fight that overthrew Jim Crow strengthened the fighting capacities of the working class
Demonstrators cross Edmund Pettus Bridge out of Selma, March 21, 1965, after victory in fight to march to state capital in Montgomery. Inset, days earlier, sheriff’s deputies attack protesters in Montgomery. Second from right is John Studer, who came to join the historic protests from Ohio. Stu-der is now editor of the Militant.

This month marks the 56th anniversary of the historic voting rights march from Selma, Alabama, to the state’s capital, Montgomery. Together with the 1956 Montgomery bus boycott and 1963 Battle of Birmingham, these actions were high points in the proletarian-led…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.