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August 23, 2021

Back labor battles by miners, oil workers!

Rally backs miners strike against Warrior Met Coal
Striking Warrior Met miners and supporters at Aug. 4 rally in Brookwood, Alabama. “Strike isn’t mostly about money,” miner told the Militant. It’s about time with our families and dignity.

…International Longshoremen’s Association from three East Coast ports join miners’ rally in Alabama Aug. 4, pledge to spread word, build support for hard-fought strike. Many unions were represented at the…

May 18, 2020

Demand jobs! Join workers fights over wages, conditions

Workers’ protests take on impact of capitalist crisis
Driver Jose Gonzalez addresses fellow independent truckers in Fontana, California, during protest against brokers driving down their wages and anti-worker government regulations.

…seen since the second imperialist world war, threaten both financial and currency crises in the future. Working people in the U.S. and around the world, saddled with debt for their…