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May 9, 2022

Defend Ukraine independence! All Russian troops out now!

For solidarity of Russian, Ukrainian workers against Putin’s war
Residents of Russian-occupied Kherson, Ukraine, April 27, protest Moscow’s sham referendum to create “people’s republic.” Russian troops fired tear gas, stun grenades against the crowd.

…Moscow remains widespread. A clandestine network was formed by railway workers, online hackers and others. They disabled railway links through Belarus, contributing to the holdup of Moscow’s supply lines of…

August 10, 2020

Workers need our own party, a labor party!

SWP wins support in ballot fight across the country
Senate candidate Lea Sherman signs up Don Hill in Paterson, New Jersey, July 26, to put SWP presidential ticket on ballot. SWP turned first batch of signatures in to state officials next day.

…120 to 130 a day. Now it is 185 to 190.” Kennedy, who is a cashier at Walmart, described how Walmart workers in Kentucky who work in online grocery pickup…

September 28, 2020

Workers need a union in every workplace!

Jobs crisis is biggest threat facing working people today

…the scale to carry out a massive online and for pickup sales operation like Amazon, Walmart and Target. Amazon says it is hiring 100,000 permanent workers in the U.S. and…