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March 4, 2019

Thousands of workers strike in Mexico, win wage hike

More than 25,000 workers at 45 factories — mostly foreign-owned auto– and electrical-parts plants — in Matamoros, Mexico, near the U.S. border ended a rolling strike Feb. 11 after winning…

November 26, 2018

‘Greatest crisis of bourgeois order in our lifetimes’

SWP leader speaks in Australia, New Zealand on world politics, building international working-class movement
February-March strike by West Virginia teachers, above, was “the most important labor battle in U.S. in decades,” Socialist Workers Party leader Mary-Alice Waters said at Militant Labor Forums Oct. 21 in Sydney, Australia, below, and in New Zealand two days earlier. “It showed the nascent power of the working class.” She also said, “Nowhere is it more apparent than in the Asia-Pacific region that the entire post-World War II imperialist order put in place by Washington and its allies is being pulled apart at the seams.”

…Industries like auto, steel, oil, aerospace, shipbuilding, telecommunications and electronics are all vital for what they like to call ‘national security.’” Recently Canberra, following Washington’s lead, blocked the Chinese giant…

October 29, 2018

Ky concrete workers strike over health care, two-tier

…and cars blasting their horns in support. Production has ground to a standstill. Other unionists have joined the line in solidarity, including United Auto Workers from nearby plants and United…