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October 31, 2022

25, 50, and 75 years ago

…jury is the Thomas-Rankin Un-American Committee “investigating” the movies. In the name of “Americanism” they violate the basic civil liberty of freedom of thought, guaranteed by the First Amendment to…

October 21, 2019

UAW strike against GM is battle for all workers

Back fight to end bosses use of temps, two-tier pay
Autoworkers picket line at Bolingbrook, Illinois, GM plant was reinforced by Steelworkers Oct. 5. As bosses force longer strike, UAW strikers need solidarity to stand up to auto barons.

FLINT, Mich. — So many drivers were honking their horns in solidarity that at times it was hard to carry on a discussion on the United Auto Workers picket lines…

May 25, 2020

Fight for jobs! Act now to protect wages, conditions

Protests spread against attacks by bosses, gov’t
New Orleans “hoppers,” workers who jump on and off sanitation trucks to collect garbage, went on strike May 5, protesting unsafe conditions, long hours and low wages.

…bosses announced they will cut 12,000 workers. Similar deep cuts are in store at other airlines, plane builders like Boeing and General Electric, in auto and steel plants, and more,…