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November 2, 2023

¿Por qué existe Israel?

que Hitler llegó al poder, las tropas de asalto nazis irrumpieron en reuniones sindicales, aplastaron al Partido Comunista y al Partido Socialdemócrata y lanzaron una creciente campaña de ataques contra…

April 15, 2019

Uber drivers fight bosses’ pay cuts across California

‘Uber and cab drivers need a union to fight back’
March 25 protest outside Uber headquarters in Redondo Beach during 25-hour drivers’ strike against bosses’ 25 percent pay cut. Actions also took place in San Francisco, San Diego.

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. — Uber drivers held a 25-hour strike March 25 to demand the company reverse a 25 percent per mile pay cut it imposed on drivers in Los…