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October 19, 2020

For federal public works program to provide jobs

Bosses announce more layoffs, attacks on wages, job safety
Workers at Shop-Vac company demonstrate at Williamsport, Pennsylvania, plant Sept. 28 after company announced it was shutting down three plants and laying off 427 workers.

…city’s restaurants and half of its bars have shut down. There are a few sectors of the economy that are growing and reaping profits today — including online retail giant…

March 1, 2021

Union vote underway at Amazon warehouse in Alabama

…of America, United Mine Workers, United Auto Workers, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, as well as supporters from Atlanta, Louisville and elsewhere. “We think it’s very important to…

October 28, 2019

Autoworkers at GM win support in working class

…members of the United Auto Workers union. “The solidarity we’ve gotten has been overwhelming,” Pamela Ahrendt, who has worked at GM for 35 years, told the Militant as she picketed…

October 14, 2019

Step up solidarity with UAW strikers at GM!

Autoworkers picket Detroit GM Hamtramck Assembly Plant, Sept. 25. Key issues are permanent status for temporary workers, end to divisive two-tier pay scale, reopen shuttered plants.

BOLINGBROOK, Ill. — The nearly 49,000 United Auto Workers union members on strike against General Motors since Sept. 16 are winning solidarity in their fight to make temporary workers permanent,…