Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Perspectiva Mundial
Solidarity with Northwest strike!
Fight against union-busting assault is cause of all labor
UMWA event marks gains in union fight at Utah mine
Northwest Airlines workers resist job, wage cuts
UK police lies further unravel in ‘antiterror’ killing of worker
SWP candidates back Northwest strikers
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 69/No. 34
September 5, 2005
News articles
Solidarity with Northwest strike!
Fight against union-busting assault is cause of all labor
UMWA event marks gains in union fight at Utah mine
Northwest Airlines workers resist job, wage cuts
UK police lies further unravel in ‘antiterror’ killing of worker
SWP candidates back Northwest strikers
Ottawa readies 2,000 troops for Afghanistan
Miami truckers protest soaring cost of fuel
Minnesota socialist candidate fights firing
Successful ‘NI’ sales drive tops 3,200
Militant Fighting Fund wins backing at union event
Great Society
Strike in Tonga shuts down country, challenges monarchy
Pentagon releases plan for use of troops at home
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Copper strikers in Arizona, Texas win solidarity in Mexico
Judge overturns gov’t rules weakening union protection for federal workers
Rumsfeld tours S. America, targets Venezuela, Cuba
Ecuador protesters: use oil wealth for social needs
UK airline catering workers protest firings
(photo box)
Russian Revolution and the fight against colonialism
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