Pathfinder books get interest at London Book Fair

By Mary Ellen Marus
May 16, 2022
Pathfinder books get interest at London Book Fair
Militant/Mary Ellen Marus

LONDON — Volunteers from five countries staffed the Pathfinder booth at the first London Book Fair in three years April 5-7. Their goal was to expand the distribution of books that present the lessons of decades of revolutionary working-class struggle, by Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, leaders of the Socialist Workers Party and others. 

Over 15,000 people from more than 100 countries attended, largely bookstore buyers, publishers, authors, and translators. The Pathfinder booth drew interest from visitors across Europe, Africa and beyond. Like many exhibitors, it featured a display of the publisher’s books relating to Moscow’s war on Ukraine. Pathfinder’s titles help readers understand why Moscow invaded and the long history of the Ukrainian toilers’ fight for self-determination. 

Top-selling titles included The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation by Abram Leon, as well as books by Thomas Sankara, leader of the 1983-87 revolution in Burkina Faso. Many buyers took information on Pathfinder to consider and 30 titles were sold from the booth, including two copies of the Chinese edition of Our History Is Still Being Written: The Story of Three Chinese Cuban Generals in the Cuban Revolution.