On the Picket Line

San Diego hotel workers strike for better pay, job conditions

By Norton Sandler
September 30, 2024

SAN DIEGO — Picketing at four locations surrounding the large Hilton Bayfront Hotel here, striking UNITE HERE Local 30 members are fighting for pay increases and improved working conditions. More than 700 went on strike Sept 1. 

Local 30 President Bridget Browning Sept. 11 told the Militant  that “wages are the biggest obstacle” in reaching an agreement. Workers need raises to be able to afford to live in San Diego, she said. 

“We are overloaded with work. We’re short-staffed and they don’t schedule properly,” Martín Fuentes, a lead banquet cook, said. “It was better before the pandemic. Retirement income and pay increases are also issues. Everyone knows you can’t afford groceries now.” 

“Respect and better pay are key issues for me,” Yenifer Alonso, a young housekeeper in the hotel’s public areas, said. “We are not appreciated for the work we do.” 

Pickets carried placards saying, “On strike at Bayfront Hilton,” “Make them pay,” and “One job should be enough.” Handwritten messages captured the sentiment of the workers. “Less workload, I am not a robot,” one said. “I want a better future,” said another.

Negotiations with the hotel resumed the next day.