Rally at Wabtec offices in Wilmerding, Pennsylvania, March 6 in solidarity with United Electrical Workers union members on strike in Erie. Bosses imposed deep two-tier wage system.

Solidarity with workers on strike against Wabtec!

United Electrical workers fight against cuts

ERIE, Pa. — “We are fighting for the next generation,” Sam Hill, a striking United Electrical Workers member who’s worked at GE Transportation here for 14 years as a forklift operator, told the Militant  March 1. “We don’t want to…

Celebrate US rulers’ decision to end Korea war exercises

Washington announced March 1 the Pentagon is ending permanently the large-scale annual war “games” involving tens of thousands of troops it has organized in Korea for decades. “The decision to permanently halt the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle war exercises…

‘Prisons exist in this country to take away our humanity’

Dennis Richter, center, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Los Angeles City Council, and campaign supporter, Barbara Bowman, speak to Lenin Mendoza in Reseda, San Fernando Valley Feb. 24. Mendoza said, “It’s hard for people to pay for basic necessities now,” as he bought subscription to the Militant and In Defense of the US Working Class.

When Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Los Angeles City Council, knocked on the door of Lenin Mendoza Feb. 24, and explained some of the politics and perspectives his campaign is raising, Mendoza, a hospital worker, invited Richter to…


Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.