Driver Jose Gonzalez addresses fellow independent truckers in Fontana, California, during protest against brokers driving down their wages and anti-worker government regulations.

Demand jobs! Join workers fights over wages, conditions

Workers’ protests take on impact of capitalist crisis

Hundreds of millions of working people are being thrown out of their jobs to face the dire consequences of government-mandated economic shutdowns — mounting depression conditions not seen for almost a century.  These are the consequence not of a disease,…

Independent truckers rally over attacks on their pay

FONTANA, Calif. — With horns blasting and big rig truck cabs plastered with signs saying, “No to cheap freight,” “Enough is enough!” and “Stop abusive brokers,” 50 owner-operators convoyed from here to Los Angeles May 1. They joined with 60…

Socialist Workers Party statement

Demand gov’t-funded public works program to create jobs

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party 2020 candidate for president, issued the following statement May 6. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s vice presidential candidate. Working people are finding ways to unite and fight the rulers’ assaults on our jobs, wages…

Working people hold May Day celebrations all across Cuba

The million-strong international workers May Day parade in Havana and similar ones across Cuba did not take place this year, a decision made by the revolutionary government in the context of the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. But workers and farmers  are…

Fight grows to overturn ban on the ‘Militant’ in Florida prisons

“The prison officials are targeting the Militant because of its political viewpoints,” wrote the paper’s attorney, David Goldstein, in an appeal filed with the Florida Department of Corrections’ Literature Review Committee May 1. This is “in violation of the First…


Hong Kong protest movement revives with May 1 rallies

Hundreds of workers and youth have moved to reorganize mass protests that have shaken Hong Kong for months, demanding greater freedom, action against the cops who have attacked demonstrations, and a break from the iron grip of the Chinese rulers.…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.