Some 8,500 families, 17 times more than last year, waited up to 12 hours in huge lines to get turkey, canned goods and other food for Thanksgiving at North Texas Food Bank in Dallas.

Fight for gov’t public works program to create jobs now!

Gov’t lockdowns deepen jobs, wages, health crisis

Nine months into a deadly pandemic, workers, farmers and small proprietors of all kinds face a deep and intertwined crisis of jobs, wages, safety and health. Millions are without jobs. Food banks are overrun, especially heading into Thanksgiving. The few…


Working people need our own party, a labor party

Socialist Workers Party 2020 candidates set example for working people, joining labor struggles, including, above, striking shipyard workers in Bath, Maine. Inset, SWP presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy, left, talks with dispatcher Janet Sanchez at D.C. truckers’ protest against low rates, onerous regulations May 13. Workers need to build a labor party to advance our struggles.

Working people need our own political party, a labor party, that we can use to defend our interests, independent from and politically opposed to the Democrats and Republicans, the twin parties of the capitalist rulers. Alternating in office for decades,…

Brutal gov’t killing spurs new protests in Belarus

Thousands in Belarus lined streets of Minsk, above, and across country Nov. 13, forming solidarity chains in memory of Roman Bondarenko, art teacher and former soldier, who died after brutal beating by government cops. Workers organized minute of silence outside factories.

Thousands gathered at Minsk’s Square of Change and elsewhere across Belarus Nov. 15 to demonstrate against the cop killing of Roman Bondarenko. He had been one of the hundreds of thousands protesting the regime of President Alexander Lukashenko and his…

Gag orders by ‘social media’ bosses attack political rights

Growing restrictions and monitoring of political views by censorship officials at Facebook, Twitter and other “social media” are a danger to political rights. Liberal thought-control overseers have interfered with or blocked comments and sites that run the gamut from tweets…


Ethiopia war threatens wider conflict in the Horn of Africa

After two weeks of bloody military conflict that has already displaced thousands of civilian refugees, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced a “final” offensive Nov. 17 against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front that rules in the country’s northern Tigray state.…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.