Residents of Russian-occupied Kherson, Ukraine, April 27, protest Moscow’s sham referendum to create “people’s republic.” Russian troops fired tear gas, stun grenades against the crowd.

Defend Ukraine independence! All Russian troops out now!

For solidarity of Russian, Ukrainian workers against Putin’s war

The Russian regime of President Vladimir Putin is redirecting and attempting to step up efforts to crush the Ukrainian people’s tenacious resistance to its invasion. As Moscow’s forces center assaults on eastern Ukraine, they continue to unleash shelling, rocket and…

as I see it

No worker has to die! Young bakery worker killed on the job

Automatic Rolls bakery, in Clayton, North Carolina, where Bibiana Arellano Delabra, 22, inset, was killed April 16 working on a large mixing machine. Fight for union control of line speeds, crew sizes, schedule, training is needed to counter deadly effects of capitalists’ drive for profits.

CINCINNATI — A young woman’s life was cut short when she was killed on the job April 16. Bibiana Arellano Delabra, 22, was crushed to death while operating a large industrial mixing machine at nonunion Automatic Rolls of North Carolina…


Family farmers in California face soaring prices, drought

Socialist Workers Party candidates Ellie García and Joel Britton visit Will Scott, right, on his Fresno, California, farm April 5 to discuss challenges facing small farmers from rising prices, Moscow’s war in Ukraine, and need for worker-farmer alliance to defend toilers’ livelihoods.

FRESNO, Calif. — Farmer Will Scott invited Socialist Workers Party candidates Ellie García and Joel Britton to his farm here April 5 to discuss how small farmers are affected by sharply rising prices, Moscow’s war in Ukraine and what workers…

Cuban working people defend socialist revolution at Bay of Pigs

Celebrating defeat of Washington’s Bay of Pigs invasion by 1,500 U.S.-organized mercenaries, April 1961, Cuban militiamen pose with wreckage of downed U.S. plane in fake Cuban colors. Fidel Castro said U.S. imperialists couldn’t forgive the workers and peasants of Cuba for “making a socialist revolution right under their very nose.”

Playa Girón/Bay of Pigs: Washington’s First Military Defeat in the Americas by Fidel Castro and José Ramón Fernández is being featured this week to mark the 61st anniversary of this historic event. In under 72 hours, April 17-20, 1961, Cuba’s…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.