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August 27, 2018

Protests hit Quebec festival move to shut musical revue

Above, promotional image by Montreal Jazz Festival for production of “SLAV,” a musical program festival organizers canceled after protests claimed production was “cultural appropriation.” Director Robert Lepage, actors, singers, artists and workers in Quebec and beyond have opposed the censorship.

…of her ancestors, the first Black nation to free itself from colonial subjugation. A few weeks later, as the controversy over cancellation of “SLAV” made international headlines, Lepage was forced…

April 2, 2018

Revolution, counterrevolution and war in Iran

Social and political roots of workers’ protests that swept 90 cities and small towns

…captured by headlines in the Jan. 15 and Jan. 22 issues: “Economic Crisis Behind Protests in Iran Cities” and “Working-Class Discontent Continues to Spread in Iran.” While improved coverage appeared…

May 18, 2020

Demand jobs! Join workers fights over wages, conditions

Workers’ protests take on impact of capitalist crisis
Driver Jose Gonzalez addresses fellow independent truckers in Fontana, California, during protest against brokers driving down their wages and anti-worker government regulations.

…Output Plunges, With Slow Rebound Projected.” Demand is way down, supply chains remain disrupted, borders closed and trade emasculated. The aviation industry is particularly hard hit. The headlines say it…