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March 4, 2019

Quebec aluminum workers stand firm in over yearlong lockout

…new talks. Send solidarity messages and donations to Metallos SL 9700 F.D.P. Attention Eric Moore, section locale 9700; 8310, rue Desormeaux; Becancour, Quebec G9H 2X2. For credit card donations:….

February 25, 2019

‘Amnesty for immigrants in US, unify the working class’

SWP takes campaign to workers’ doorsteps
Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Dallas mayor, speaks at Feb. 12 candidates’ debate, campaigns at workers’ doors throughout area.

…side, and reorganize and build a new kind of society. A society that’s capable of meeting the needs of the vast majority.” The full interview can be viewed at:….

January 28, 2019

Join May Day brigade to see Cuba’s revolution

…The U.S. contingent is being organized by the National Network on Cuba. Applications, which are open until March 15, are available at Brigadistas will also participate in an international…