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September 2, 2019

Mass Hong Kong protest demands political rights

Beijing searches for way to tamp down actions
Throngs fill streets in peaceful protest in Hong Kong Aug. 18 in largest action in two months.

Civil Human Rights Front. Wilson Ng, a teacher who joined the rally as well as the large protest the next day, told the Militant by phone that the teachers’ action…

August 26, 2019

SWP presents working-class candidates, road forward

…‘people of color,’” Studer said, which dissolves the living history of centuries of struggle by African-Americans against slavery, the Civil War and Radical Reconstruction, the bloody imposition of Jim Crow…

July 22, 2019

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…class and all defenders of civil liberties and democratic rights. Attacks on the civil rights of homosexuals, and laws such as the Pentagon’s ban on gays in the military, cut…

May 27, 2019

US hands off Venezuela! US hands off Cuba!

US rulers say ‘all options open’ against Venezuela
Despite defeat of U.S.-backed coup attempt, Washington continues to threaten Venezuela, and also Cuba. In Sydney, Australia, opponents of U.S. intervention join May 5 march.

…Zambrano was arrested May 8. Charges include treason, conspiracy, civil rebellion, criminal association and “continued hatred.” At least one other deputy sought refuge in the Argentine Embassy in Caracas to…

May 6, 2019

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…of thousands of agricultural workers in California’s sunny valleys continue their intolerable existence under the brutal terror maintained by the corporation-financed “Association Farmers.” The La Follette Senate Civil Liberties Committees…