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November 8, 2021

Clarks shoe workers in UK strike against wage cuts

…Oct. 4. “We’re currently on 11.16 pounds an hour” ($15.40), shop steward Don Gray told the Militant. “The company is cutting the hourly rate to 9.50 pounds. Currently our half-hour…

April 3, 2023

Fight for working people to control derailment cleanup

Jeep caravan shows support for East Palestine
Jacob Tate and family came from Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, to join Jeep caravan in East Palestine March 18 to back fight of residents to win control of cleanup, rebuilding after toxic derailment.

…Militant/Naomi CraineTony Lane, Socialist Workers Party member from Pittsburgh, brings solidarity to Joy Mascher at her florist shop in East Palestine March 16. Her son made sign, “East Palestine Lives…

November 25, 2019

Back strikers fighting Asarco union busting!

Join Nov. 18 solidarity rally in Tucson!
Copper strikers picket Mission mine in Arizona Nov. 11. Asarco bosses want to break the unions.

…Nov. 18 from noon to 2 p.m. (See ad below.) “We know the company is highly profitable,” said Ryan Connolly, a truck shop mechanic at the Silver Bell mine north…

September 30, 2019

Build solidarity with striking GM workers!

UAW strikers fight for jobs, end to divisive concessions
Autoworkers picket in Flint, Michigan, Sept. 16. Strike shut down 33 plants, 22 warehouses.

…the tiers,” rod shop assembly line worker Brian Gulley at the Ford Assembly plant in Chicago told the Militant as he went into work Sept. 15. Workers there are members…