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March 12, 2018

‘We can build unions that inspire workers to fight’

…Workers Party leader Farrell Dobbs: Teamster Rebellion, Teamster Power, Teamster Politics and Teamster Bureaucracy, available from on page 8 or from Dobbs, a coal yard worker, emerged as a…

November 25, 2019

Back strikers fighting Asarco union busting!

Join Nov. 18 solidarity rally in Tucson!
Copper strikers picket Mission mine in Arizona Nov. 11. Asarco bosses want to break the unions.

…Nov. 18 from noon to 2 p.m. (See ad below.) “We know the company is highly profitable,” said Ryan Connolly, a truck shop mechanic at the Silver Bell mine north…

September 30, 2019

Build solidarity with striking GM workers!

UAW strikers fight for jobs, end to divisive concessions
Autoworkers picket in Flint, Michigan, Sept. 16. Strike shut down 33 plants, 22 warehouses.

…the tiers,” rod shop assembly line worker Brian Gulley at the Ford Assembly plant in Chicago told the Militant as he went into work Sept. 15. Workers there are members…