Demand amnesty for all immigrants in the US!

Vol. 82/No. 41 - November 5, 2018

The following statement was released Oct. 24 by Róger Calero, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of New York. The capitalist economic crisis is taking a heavy toll on workers around the world. And the imperialist plunder of the semicolonial…

Capitalist rulers in Mideast step up rivalry after killing of Khashoggi

Vol. 82/No. 41 - November 5, 2018

Jamal Khashoggi, a writer and Islamist opponent of the Saudi government, was assassinated inside the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul Oct. 2. Since then, the capitalist governments of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, the U.S., Moscow and other regimes in the region…

Honduras immigrant caravan shows depth of capitalist crisis

Vol. 82/No. 41 - November 5, 2018
Honduran and other Central Americans march through Mexico Oct. 21 on way to U.S. border. Honduran toilers face crisis of both imperialist pillage and exploitation from native capitalists.

Thousands of Hondurans, overwhelmingly workers and farmers, have traveled through Guatemala into Mexico, and are making their way toward the U.S. border, hoping to enter the United States with or without permission of U.S. authorities. The size of the caravan,…

Ingush protests demand, ‘End attack on national sovereignty’

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018
Thousands gather in daily protests in Magas, capital of Ingushetia, to oppose ceding of land to neighboring Chechnya by leader appointed by Vladimir Putin government in Moscow.

Thousands have taken to the streets daily since Oct. 4 in Magas, Ingushetia, to protest a “land swap” that turns 5 percent of the country over to the rulers in neighboring Chechnya. Protesters have set up an encampment there, with…

Workers donate bosses’ ‘blood money’ bribes to SWP

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

“Enclosed are three checks totaling $374 from bonuses retail workers recently received in their paychecks,” wrote Eli French from Seattle. “This is more ‘blood money’ our boss uses to try and convince workers that we all have a stake in…

Brexit fight unfolds as capitalist competition tears away at EU

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

LONDON — It has been two and a half years since a referendum on the U.K.’s membership in the European Union recorded a 17.4 million to 16.1 million majority for Brexit. Millions of workers took advantage of the ballot to…

Thousands march for right to abortion in Ireland

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

“We voted to repeal the 8th, now it‘s time to legislate!” chanted thousands of defenders of women’s right to choose abortion at a Sept. 29 march in Dublin, pointing to the victory for women and all working people scored in…