Russian, Turkish rulers truce in Idlib, Syria, holds – for now

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018
Above, Russian air force bombing of a hospital in Idlib, Syria, during airstrike in June. Inset, rescue workers dig through rubble after the bombing. Thousands of Syrian refugees have been forced to Idlib, only to come under assault once again.

The capitalist rulers in Russia and Turkey signed a new “demilitarized zone” agreement Sept. 17, halting, for now, the bombardment against rebel forces and civilians in Idlib province in Syria. Government troops and Tehran-backed militia had been poised for a…

Liberals assault rights workers need over Supreme Court pick

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018

On Sept. 27 the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold an unusual second hearing on President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. He has been loudly accused of sexual abuse in two instances — neither…

Dallas cop who killed Botham Jean is fired

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018

DALLAS — Since Dallas cop Amber Guyger shot and killed 26-year-old Botham Jean in his apartment here Sept. 6 there has been a steady stream of protests. In response, Dallas Police Chief U. Renee Hall announced Sept. 24 that she…

Demand US rulers end Korea War!

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018

The steps taken by the North and South Korean heads of state, with the backing of the White House, at their Sept. 18-20 summit to press forward efforts to reduce military tensions, increase links between the two countries and push…

Lenin discusses Tolstoy’s writing and coming Russian Revolution

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018
Tolstoy, right, in his writings against oppression of the state and official church expressed strength and weakness of peasant movement, wrote Lenin. “The heritage which he has left, belongs to the future. This heritage is accepted and is being worked upon by the Russian proletariat,” Lenin said, to “overthrow capitalism and create a new society.” Above, peasants before 1917 revolution.

Below is the Nov. 29, 1910, article by V.I. Lenin, the central leader of the 1917 Bolshevik proletarian revolution in Russia. It’s entitled “An Appraisal of Leo Tolstoy,” one of the great Russian writers in the dying days of czarist…

Kentucky UFCW workers end strike, push back two-tier plan

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018
United Food and Commercial Workers members picket at Four Roses distillery Sept. 14. During two-week strike unionists won solidarity, pushed back company’s divisive two-tier plan.

COX’S CREEK, Ky. — Workers at the Four Roses distillery and bottling plant pushed back the bosses’ attempt to extract concessions Sept. 21 when the company agreed to a contract that backed off divisive two-tier provisions workers were determined to…

Workers win strike over health care at several Chicago hotels

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018

CHICAGO — “Nine down and 17 to go,” Beatriz Cervantes, a striker walking the picket line at the Palmer House here, told the Militant  Sept. 23. Originally from Mexico, she has 15 years seniority as a steward on night shift…

Calif. raisin workers reject contract, strike Sun-Maid

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018

KINGSBURG, Calif. — More than 500 raisin workers went on strike here against Sun-Maid Growers of California Sept. 10. One hundred Teamster Local 431 members picketed the main entrance to the plant Sept. 22, chanting, “Sun-Maid, unfair!” “Si se puede!”…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018

October 11, 1993 COLUMBIANA, Alabama — “We are strong, we are united, and we are not going to stop.” That’s how Kim Cain, cousin of slain striker Keith Cain, summed up her determination to keep on fighting as more than…