Idaho silver miners mark one year on strike against Hecla

Vol. 82/No. 13 - April 2, 2018
March 17 protest in Mullan, Idaho, shows silver miners’ determination to continue their strike.

MULLAN, Idaho — Chanting “One year longer, one year stronger!” and “Mullan is a union town!” over 150 silver miners, family members and supporters marched here March 17, marking the one-year anniversary of the strike by United Steelworkers Local 5114…

Dean Foods tells dairy farmers ‘We no longer want your milk’

Vol. 82/No. 13 - April 2, 2018

More than 140 dairy farmers across eight states took another blow this month. As these farmers are now into the fourth year of low milk prices, Dean Foods, one of the country’s major processors, sent them a letter saying that…

Some Israeli settlers join Bedouins in eviction fight

Vol. 82/No. 13 - April 2, 2018

“This was the first time a group of Israeli settlers ever came to talk with us,” Eid Abu-Khamis, a leader of Bedouins fighting eviction from the West Bank village of Khan al-Ahmar, told the Militant by phone March 12. Some…

Fidel: ‘No one has the right to use nuclear weapons’

Vol. 82/No. 13 - April 2, 2018

“We have never considered the idea of fabricating nuclear weapons, because we don’t need them,” former Cuban President Fidel Castro said in a 2005 book-length interview with Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramonet, published under the title My Life. Castro was rebutting…

Revolution, counterrevolution and war in Iran

Social and political roots of workers’ protests that swept 90 cities and small towns
Vol. 82/No. 13 - April 2, 2018

The article below corrects the initial weeks of Militant coverage of the large working-class protests that began in Mashhad, Iran, on Dec. 28 and swept some 90 cities and towns across the length and breadth of that country in early…

Inspired by W.Va. victory workers organize to fight

Victory of W.Va. teachers builds labor movement
Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018
Teachers protest government attacks March 12 at state Capitol in Frankfort, Kentucky.

BOONE COUNTY, W.Va. — The March 6 victory in the strike of teachers and all school workers in West Virginia came out of a powerful social movement, where union members took ownership of their struggle and won solidarity from coal…

Get in a car, take a plane, join workers in struggle!

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018

Teachers and other school workers are locked in bitter battles today with state governments in Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Arizona and elsewhere. The Militant urges workers, youth and the labor movement across the country to get in a car or a…

Uptick spurs jobs, picks up confidence of working class

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018

There’s an uptick in the capitalist economy, more jobs are open, and that’s giving workers more confidence. If you have options, can look for higher-paying work, and don’t have to worry every working hour how to make ends meet, you’re…