Demand amnesty for immigrant workers!

Propertied rulers debate who to let in, keep out
Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018
Sept. 10 Omaha, Nebraska, protest. Socialist Workers Party says Amnesty for all immigrants!

Democratic and some Republican senators on the one side and President Donald Trump on the other are blaming each other for the failure to pass legislation that would block the deportation of thousands of immigrant “dreamers” who came to the…

Conflicts heat up in Syria as US, rivals push interests

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

The multifront conflicts in Syria being fought by rival capitalist powers in the region — alongside intervention from Moscow and the imperialist rulers in Washington — continue to take a horrific toll on working people there. As each of these…

Liberals hail FBI witch hunt against Trump White House

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

Liberals are singing the praises of the U.S. political police after former FBI boss Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for conspiracy to “defraud the United States” by interfering in politics here. The Feb. 16 indictments…

Protesters demand Aboriginal rights, hit racist ‘Australia Day’

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

SYDNEY — Tens of thousands of people, overwhelmingly youth, protested around the country Jan. 26 in the largest demonstrations in support of Aboriginal rights in decades. The actions were called to counter the rulers’ patriotic Australia Day holiday. Aboriginal people…

Amnesty now! No deportations!

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

The Socialist Workers Party says, “Stop the deportation of the ‘dreamers.’” We stand for this as part of the fight to win amnesty for all 11 million workers who don’t have papers recognized by the courts and the cops in…

Capitalist rulers in South Africa see new government as road to profits

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

The propertied rulers in South Africa are hoping the ouster of President Jacob Zuma and his replacement with wealthy businessman Cyril Ramaphosa, who recently replaced Zuma as president of the African National Congress as well, signals a more favorable environment…

Criminal ‘justice’ parole system pushes workers back into prison

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

There is a debate today among the capitalist rulers and those they’ve tasked with running their criminal “justice” system — whether it’s in their best interests to reduce the number of workers behind bars and those on the parole and…

Seattle school bus drivers win new contract

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018
Seattle Education Association members picket Feb. 7 in support of Teamsters school bus drivers who struck First Student bosses. Nine-day strike led to gains in health care coverage, pensions.

SEATTLE — Seattle School District bus drivers who are members of Teamsters Local 174 overwhelmingly ratified a contract with First Student bosses Feb. 10 after a nine-day strike here. Teamster leaders say advances were made in getting health care coverage…

IG Metall, Germany’s biggest union, makes a deal

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

After a month of brief walkouts and a series of 24-hour protest strikes, IG Metall, Germany’s biggest union, has signed a contract covering 900,000 workers in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg. The same deal is likely to be rolled out for…