Rail worker turns over bosses’ bribe to build the SWP

Vol. 82/No. 8 - February 26, 2018

Bosses at the railroad in New York state, where Jeffrey Patterson works, paid him an extra $243.93 of back pay as “an incentive to encourage workers to sign a new contract that cuts medical benefits, particularly for those with families…

Literacy drive ‘changed people, advanced revolution’ in Cuba

Vol. 82/No. 8 - February 26, 2018

NEW YORK — When U.S.-backed mercenaries invaded Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961, “literacy volunteers didn’t stop doing what we were organized to do — wipe out illiteracy across the country — we kept on going,” Griselda…

Workers in Finland pay for deal to make bosses stronger

Vol. 82/No. 8 - February 26, 2018

Thousands demonstrated in Helsinki Feb. 2 protesting laws that cut government aid to unemployed workers if they don’t seek jobs “actively” enough. This is the latest step in an ongoing “Finland First” campaign to strengthen the capitalists’ ability to compete…

Arrest cop who refused Andrew Kearse medical help!

Vol. 82/No. 8 - February 26, 2018
Kearse’s wife, Angelique Negroni-Kearse, speaking above

SCHENECTADY, N.Y. — “Justice for Andrew Kearse!” chanted 100 participants in a Feb. 10 march here, demanding arrest of the cop who ignored Kearse’s repeated pleas for medical help. Kearse, a 36-year-old man from the Bronx, died of a heart…

Chinatown event welcomes Chinese Cuban generals

Vol. 82/No. 8 - February 26, 2018

HAVANA — The House of Chinese Arts and Traditions in Chinatown here hosted a presentation of Our History Is Still Being Written: The Story of Three Chinese Cuban Generals in the Cuban Revolution. The Feb. 13 event drew 60 working people,…

Protest Turkish rulers’ war against Kurds in Afrin!

Vol. 82/No. 8 - February 26, 2018
Protest Turkish rulers’ war against Kurds in Afrin!

Protests in Toronto, above, and worldwide continue against the Turkish rulers’ weekslong bombardment and invasion of the Kurdish province of Afrin in northwest Syria. Ankara’s forces and their Free Syrian Army allies continue to make little progress in the mountainous…

Kurds mobilize to fight against Turkish assault

Protests spread against invasion of Afrin
Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018
Jan. 25 protest and funeral in Afrin for civilians and combatants killed by Turkish bombardment and ground attack on the Kurdish-controlled region in northwestern Syria.

The Turkish rulers invasion and war against the Kurdish people and their allies in Syria’s Afrin province is meeting determined resistance and making little military progress so far. Ankara’s continuous air and artillery bombardment has killed over 100 civilians and…

Liberals praise FBI in fight over probe into Donald Trump

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

“Trump Has Picked a Fight with the FBI. He’ll Be Sorry,” reads a headline in the Feb. 1 Washington Post. The headline expresses what the owners of the liberal media and the middle-class left wish to be the result in a…

Revolution’s 1961 literacy drive ‘changed Cuban society’

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

HARTFORD, Conn. — Cuban revolutionary Griselda Aguilera began an eight-state and District of Columbia tour Jan. 30 with a dinner and program at a Puerto Rican restaurant in Holyoke, Massachusetts. When she was 7 years old, Aguilera was the youngest…

US rulers tell Puerto Rico: Squeeze working people to pay off bonds!

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

Hundreds of thousands of workers and farmers in Puerto Rico are still without electricity five months after Hurricane Maria. Damaged schools remain unrepaired across the island. Tens of thousands of homes have no roofs. And thousands of jobs have evaporated.…