SWP: For a world free of nuclear weapons

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

The following statement was issued Jan. 30 by John Studer, Socialist Workers Party national campaign director. The Socialist Workers Party demands Washington’s immediate unilateral nuclear disarmament and has done so since these weapons were first developed and used against the…

Oppose curbs on prisoners, right to vote!

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

The fight to overturn restrictions that prevent over 6 million people who had been convicted of a felony from voting is of central importance to the working class. A quarter of those are in Florida, where volunteers gathered almost 800,000…

Workers rally against lockout at Quebec aluminum smelter

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018
Unionists at ABI smelter in Bécancour, Quebec, hold mass picket Jan. 12, day after ABI locked out 1,000 workers. Bosses were turned back after half an hour trying to get into plant.

BÉCANCOUR, Quebec — In a move that surprised both workers and United Steelworkers Local 9700 union officials, ABI aluminum smelter bosses here locked out over 1,000 workers at 3 a.m. Jan. 11. The workers had overwhelmingly voted down the bosses’…

Pickets in Canada target Tim Hortons coffee chain takebacks

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — At dozens of locations across Canada unionists and other workers picketed outlets of the Tim Hortons coffee chain Jan. 19. They were protesting the decision by some franchise owners to take back health benefits and paid…

Sankara: Goal of revolution is transfer of power to the toilers

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

Below is an excerpt from We Are Heirs of the World’s Revolutions by Thomas Sankara, one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for February. Sankara led the revolution in Burkina Faso (called Upper Volta until 1984) from 1983 until his assassination in…

Protest Turkish rulers war moves against Syria Kurds

Washington, Moscow give green light to Ankara attack
Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018
Rally in the city of Afrin Jan. 18 protests against Turkish army attacks on the Kurdish region.

The government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched a combined air and artillery bombardment and ground invasion of the Kurdish region of Afrin in northwest Syria Jan. 19. The attacks — cynically dubbed Operation Olive Branch — are being…

Turkish troops out now! Defend Kurds nat’l rights!

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

Working people everywhere have a stake in backing Kurds defending Afrin from the Turkish rulers’ invasion and bombardment. The capitalist rulers in the U.S., EU and Russia, and in countries across the region, have stood aside while Ankara has unleashed…

US rulers’ long record of plunder in Haiti

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

Weeks after revoking Temporary Protected Status for tens of thousands of Haitians living and working in the U.S., the Donald Trump administration barred Haitians from obtaining visas for temporary work in agriculture and other industries Jan. 17. Do these moves…

Canada rail workers win fight against frame-up

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

SHERBROOKE, Quebec — The rail bosses and federal government were handed a stinging defeat when the three-and-a-half-month frame-up trial of locomotive engineer Tom Harding and train traffic controller Richard Labrie, both members of United Steelworkers Local 1976, and low-level former…

Bosses say more ‘pain’ lies ahead for NY subway riders, workers

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018
Subway commuters run to try and get train after service breaks down in Brooklyn, April 2017. Bondholders rake in billions, while bosses cut maintenance and crews, raise fares.

NEW YORK — Subway riders here don’t need to read thick reports to know the whole system is falling apart — we see it every day. Delays are increasingly frequent because of signal failures, electrical problems, broken down train cars,…