NY meeting celebrates 60 years of Cuban Revolution

By Sara Lobman
February 25, 2019
NY meeting celebrates 60 years of Cuban Revolution

NEW YORK — Over 150 people attended a Feb. 8 celebration here of the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution and a send-off for Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations Anayansi Rodríguez Camejo, at podium, who is returning to Cuba to assume responsibilities as deputy foreign minister.

The event was sponsored by the New York-New Jersey Cuba Sí Coalition. Manolo de los Santos, executive director of the People’s Forum, welcomed everyone to their space in midtown Manhattan. “The Cuban Revolution is a living revolution,” said Ike Nahem on behalf of the coalition. “It continues to be a beacon for the oppressed and exploited who are the majority of humanity.”

Ambassador Rodríguez thanked participants for their support for Cuba’s revolution and their defense against political and economic assaults from Washington. She said that Cuba stands against Washington’s threats to Venezuela’s sovereignty. In a long history of U.S. attacks on our revolution, she said, “we have always been able to count on solidarity from the American people.”

Paul Mailhot, Rachel Ibrahim and Gail Walker spoke about solidarity trips being organized to Cuba this year by the National Network on Cuba, the Venceremos Brigade and Pastors for Peace. “The best way to learn about the Cuban Revolution is to see it for yourself,” Mailhot said, urging people to take information on the April 21 – May 5 May Day Brigade and the other two brigades.