Woman reads ribbons urging peace and reunification of North and South Korea at Demilitarized Zone, May 24, 2018. President Trump and North Korean leader Kim are set to meet Feb. 27.

US troops, warplanes, bombs out of Korea now!

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announced they’ve set Feb. 27-28 in Hanoi, Vietnam, for their second face-to-face summit meeting on denuclearization of Korea. Teams of U.S. and North Korean negotiators have been meeting to prepare…

‘Amnesty for immigrants in US, unify the working class’

SWP takes campaign to workers’ doorsteps
Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Dallas mayor, speaks at Feb. 12 candidates’ debate, campaigns at workers’ doors throughout area.

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Dallas, turned in over 700 signatures and was told Feb. 7 that she was on the ballot.  Her supporters are taking advantage of this victory to reach more broadly, knocking on…

Rally protests attacks on abortion rights in Kentucky

Amy Husk, SWP candidate for Kentucky governor, left, and supporter Jacquie Henderson, right, talk with Planned Parenthood interns Ruby Lestrange, center, and Kerrigan Young at Feb. 7 protest in Frankfort against government attacks on women’s right to choose abortion.

FRANKFORT, Ky. — More than 100 protesters gathered at the state Capitol here Feb. 7 to demonstrate in defense of a woman’s right to choose abortion.  They were speaking out in opposition to a bill in the state legislature that…


Cuba and Algerian revolutions: an intertwined history

At Havana International Book Fair, where Algeria is country of honor, Oscar Creach Wenclar browses books at Algeria pavilion Feb. 11. He was proud that his father was one of nearly 700 Cuban volunteers who went to Algeria in 1963 to help defend the newly independent nation against imperialist-backed invasion by Moroccan troops

HAVANA — Algeria is the country of honor at this year’s Havana International Book Fair, which opened here Feb. 7. Many of those attending the fair are curious to learn more about the culture and history of that North African…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.