25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020

August 7, 1995 The decision by President Jacques Chirac in France to resume nuclear weapons testing on Moruroa, one of its colonial possessions in the Pacific, should be roundly condemned by working people throughout the world.  Some 50,000 people in…


Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020

In issue no. 27, the article “SWP 2020 Campaign Presents Fighting Working-Class Program,” should have said Aug. 5 is the filing deadline to submit signatures to place Omari Musa on the ballot for District of Columbia Delegate to Congress. In…

Scientific approach to opening of ‘New World’

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020
Reproduction of a painting of Genoa, Italy, in 1597, by Cristoforo Grassi. Genoa was a key European port at the time of Columbus’ voyages. Opening of Americas paved the way for the rapid development of capitalism in Holland and England, while holding it back in Spain.

The approaching 500th anniversary of the European discovery of the Americas has given rise to a widespread debate on the significance of this event and the colonization of the continent which followed. In the accompanying interview Cuban minister of culture…

Columbus voyage to Americas opened door to social progress

‘Discovery of roads of the world was clouded by the enormous crime of conquest’
Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020
Folding-screen mural painted in 1976 by Mexican painter Roberto Cueva del Río depicts meeting between Aztec ruler Moctezuma II and Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés some 500 years ago.

Over the Fourth of July weekend, a statue of Italian-born seafarer Christopher Columbus, the first European to discover the Americas in 1492, was pulled down and thrown into the Baltimore harbor. Another, presented by Italian-Americans to the city of Waterbury,…

Che: ‘Moncada attack was beginning of Cuba’s revolution’

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020

Che Guevara Speaks by Ernesto Che Guevara is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for July. Che, born in Argentina, became a central leader of the Cuban Revolution and one of the outstanding communists of the 20th century. The…

Montreal longshoremen strike over unsafe schedules

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020

MONTREAL — Over 1,000 longshoremen at the port here, members of Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 375, carried out a 40-hour strike beginning July 2 against Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership bosses. They targeted the Cast and Racine terminals, shutting…

No worker has to die on the job! For workers control of production

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement July 15. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. A fight by workers and our unions to wrest control of production and safety from the bosses…

Workers fight boss attacks on jobs, wages, conditions

Workers’ problem today is crisis of capitalism, not a virus
Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020
Tens of thousands protest July 11 in Tel Aviv, Israel, against government’s failure to deliver aid promised to workers classified as self-employed. Sign reads, “Out of touch! We’re fed up!”

Speedup and dangerous working conditions enforced by bosses at Los Angeles Apparel and at nearby meatpacking plants highlight the employers contempt for workers’ safety and lives. Four workers at L.A. Apparel have recently died from coronavirus and over 300 working…

Bath shipyard strike against union busting needs support!

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020
June 22 picket at Bath, Maine, shipyard. Strike is solid and winning solidarity from other unionists and workers in the region in face of company’s union-busting “last and final” offer.

In the largest labor conflict in the country, over 4,300 shipbuilding workers, members of Machinists Local S6, at the Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine, continue to win support and solidarity from area unions and local businesses as their strike…