Back locked-out Marathon oil workers’ fight for safety!

‘Your fight is our fight,’ say Nebraska workers
Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021
Workers from Nebraska brought solidarity to locked-out Marathon refinery workers in St. Paul Park, Minnesota, March 13. At left, Diane Dormer and railroad conductor Lance Anton. At right, Joe Swanson, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Lincoln, Nebraska, City Council.

ST. PAUL PARK, Minn. — Locked-out Marathon oil refinery workers continue to picket here 24/7 and receive much-needed solidarity from other workers and unionists. The 200 workers, members of Teamsters Local 120, were locked out by the bosses Jan. 22…

Give your new gov’t ‘stimulus’ to the Socialist Workers Party!

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

The Socialist Workers Party announced March 13 a special “stimulus” capital appeal to help finance the long-term work of the party. Party members, supporters, Militant readers and a growing number of workers, farmers and youth that SWP members are meeting…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

April 1, 1996 DAYTON, Ohio — The strike here by 2,700 workers began March 5 at two GM brake parts plants and has ground the auto giant’s production to a halt. As the walkout began to cause shortages in assembly…

Working class needs its own foreign policy

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

Statement by Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey governor, March 16. Democratic and Republican politicians alike claim to wield U.S. economic and military influence at home and abroad in the interests of “all Americans.” Workers and farmers…

Support Amazon workers fight for union in Alabama!

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

ATLANTA — “I have two grandsons who work at Amazon in Bessemer,” retired coal miner and United Mine Workers union member Maxwell Wilson told the Militant March 14, from his home in Midfield, a suburb of Birmingham, Alabama. “This is…

US rulers step up attack on right to be on ballot

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

The capitalist rulers and their Democratic and Republican parties have been stepping up attacks on ballot access for the Socialist Workers Party, and other independent political candidates. This effort is bipartisan, as millions of workers and farmers, facing worsening working…

Song backing dictator in Belarus removed from Eurovision contest

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

The fight by working people to bring down the dictatorial regime of Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus found a new outlet this month after mass protests and work stoppages last year were beaten down by government brutality. The monthslong political crisis…

LA, NY protests hit deadly raids by Philippine gov’t

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

LOS ANGELES — Sixty people participated in a spirited demonstration outside the Philippines Consulate here March 13, protesting the government’s cold-blooded killings of nine political and labor activists six days earlier. Actions took place elsewhere, including 50 people demonstrating at…

‘Workers need to fight as a class to protect their interests’

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for March is Teamster Power by Farrell Dobbs. The book tells the story of how members of Teamsters Local 574 learned to wield the union power they forged through three 1934 strike victories…

SWP protests attacks on LA Buddhist temple, Asians

Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021

LOS ANGELES — One of a series of attacks across the country targeting Asians took place in Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo Feb. 25, where the Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple was broken into and desecrated. An unknown attacker climbed the temple’s…