Alabama miners fight court injunction by Warrior Met

Strikers also face court attacks at Deere, Kellogg
Vol. 85/No. 44 - November 29, 2021
Mineros de mina Warrior Met en Brookwood, Alabama, 15 de junio, mientras la policía trata de prevenir que los piquetes afecten producción. El 27 de oct. un juez prohibió líneas de piquetes.

ATLANTA — “This is a serious attack on the union,” Bryan Butler, a United Mine Workers of America member on strike at Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, told the Militant by phone Nov. 16. He was referring to the…

After woman’s death abortion rights fight heats up in Poland

Vol. 85/No. 44 - November 29, 2021

Tens of thousands took to the streets in Poland Nov. 5 to protest the government’s extreme restrictions on the right to abortion. The actions in Warsaw, the capital, and other cities came after it became public that a 30-year-old pregnant…

Solidarity with striking miners at Warrior Met!

Join fight against court ban on right to picket
Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021
Miners and supporters march in New York Nov. 4 to back seven-month strike at Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, protest court ban on all picketing within 300 yards of mines.

NEW YORK — Led by a contingent of miners from the more than seven-month-long strike at Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, over 400 people marched here Nov. 4 to support the strikers and to protest an Oct. 27 court…

Women in Benin win right to choose abortion

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021

After lengthy debate, Benin’s parliament voted Oct. 20 to decriminalize abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy. If ratified by the constitutional court, Benin will become the first country in West Africa to legalize a woman’s right to choose to…

We need our own party, a labor party

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021

Statement by John Studer, Socialist Workers Party national campaign director, Nov. 10. The only party that told the truth in the 2021 elections about how working people can fight back against mounting attacks we face today was the Socialist Workers…

Guantánamo trial exposes brutality of CIA torture

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021

In testimony before a sentencing jury of eight senior military officers Oct. 28, Majid Khan read a statement in court detailing his personal experiences being tortured by the CIA. Khan has been imprisoned for 15 years by the U.S. government…

Kellogg’s workers strike for ‘Equal pay for equal work!’

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021
Since Oct. 5, 1,400 bakery workers have been on strike at Kellogg’s cereal plants. Chicago BCTGM Local 1 members and other supporters join picket in Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 4.

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union negotiating committee voted down a Nov. 4 “last, best and final” set of contract demands from Kellogg’s bosses. Since Oct. 5, 1,400 union members have been…

Over 22,000 Canadian public workers strike for higher pay

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021

FREDERICTON, New Brunswick — Over 22,000 members of 10 locals of the Canadian Union of Public Employees have been on strike across the province since Oct. 29. They are demanding higher wages to reduce the gap with public sector workers…

Sudan protests continue, fight to overturn military coup

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021

Sudanese security forces fired rubber bullets and arrested scores of protesters in attacks against rallies in several cities Nov. 7, part of an ongoing wave of actions against the Oct. 25 military coup led by Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. Thousands…