Workers control over production key to defense of land and labor

Vol. 85/No. 45 - December 6, 2021
Capitalist ruling class controls production, and is responsible for degradation of environment and unsafe working conditions. Above, coal miners 1969 march in Charleston, West Virginia, as they fought for control over mine conditions and black lung benefits during hard-fought strike.

Set up as a platform for over 190 heads of state — and thousands of corporate CEOs, nongovernment organizations and other hangers on — the United Nations climate change summit was no more successful than any of its 25 earlier…

SWP leads fight against FBI attacks on the working class

Vol. 85/No. 45 - December 6, 2021
FBI raid on SWP headquarters, June 27, 1941, saluted by Minneapolis dailies, was part of targeting party and Minneapolis Teamsters on eve of U.S. entry in second imperialist world war.

FBI on Trial: The Victory in the Socialist Workers Party Suit against Government Spying is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for December. It is about the SWP’s 1973-87 political and legal battle against decades of spying, harassment and…

Defend political rights won in blood!

Vol. 85/No. 45 - December 6, 2021

Under capitalist rule, the bosses use their courts, cops and control of state power to advance and defend their drive to extract maximum profits from the labor of working people at home and abroad. Bosses got compliant judges to issue…

Alabama miners fight court injunction by Warrior Met

Strikers also face court attacks at Deere, Kellogg
Vol. 85/No. 44 - November 29, 2021
Mineros de mina Warrior Met en Brookwood, Alabama, 15 de junio, mientras la policía trata de prevenir que los piquetes afecten producción. El 27 de oct. un juez prohibió líneas de piquetes.

ATLANTA — “This is a serious attack on the union,” Bryan Butler, a United Mine Workers of America member on strike at Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, told the Militant by phone Nov. 16. He was referring to the…

US-organized provocation against Cuba ‘fizzles out’

Vol. 85/No. 44 - November 29, 2021
Partidarios de Revolución Cubana en manifestación en Nueva York frente a la Misión de Cuba ante la ONU el 15 de nov. También hubo un grupo más pequeño de opositores de la revolución.

U.S.-government-organized provocations planned in Cuba for Nov. 15 were a failure, as were “sympathy” actions denouncing Cuba’s socialist revolution around the world. Opponents of the revolution had hoped to create incidents on the island that would disrupt the reopening of…

SWP pushes to go over 100% in books, fund ‘Militant’ drive

Vol. 85/No. 44 - November 29, 2021
Dag Tirsén, right, and Lillian Julius, far left, introduce the Militant, books on revolutionary politics to participants at London protest in solidarity with fight against military coup in Sudan.

Less than a week is left in the drive to expand the readership of the Militant and books by Socialist Workers Party leaders and other revolutionaries and raise funds for the SWP. Campaigners are organizing to make or surpass the…

Pathfinder titles a big hit at Oregon book festival

Vol. 85/No. 44 - November 29, 2021

PORTLAND, Ore. — Hundreds of people attended the Portland Book Festival here Nov. 13, where publishers and booksellers set up showcases of their featured titles. After almost two years of pandemic-justified government lockdowns, many were eager to get out to…