University of California strikers picket, win widespread support

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Thousands of teaching assistants, graders and others rally at University of California at Berkeley Nov. 14, first day of statewide university workers’ strike for higher wages, benefits.

LOS ANGELES — Chanting “What’s disgusting? Union busting! What’s outrageous? Poverty wages,” hundreds of striking University of California at Los Angeles teaching assistants and other workers and their supporters picketed across the campus here Nov. 17. Nearly 48,000 University of…

Three more face prison in FBI frame-up in Michigan

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022

In a blow to crucial constitutional rights, three more of the 14 men entrapped by FBI agents in an alleged 2020 “plot” to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for her imposition of vaccine mandates have been framed up and convicted…

Warrior Met miners into 20th month of strike in Alabama

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022

ATLANTA — “We had a successful rally Nov. 9,” striking United Mine Workers of America member Antwon Mcghee told the Militant Nov. 21. “There were several hundred miners and supporters there, including UMWA members and officials from seven states, as…

Protests, strikes spread across Iran despite attacks by regime

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Miles de manifestantes en Mahabadi, Irán, en funeral de Kamal Ahmadpour 19 nov., un día después que lo mató la policía. Corearon, “¡Kurdos, baluches, azeríes, libertad e igualdad!”

In a failed attempt to quell massive protests by working people and youth, the Iranian regime sent convoys of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps troops and paramilitary Basij thugs to the predominantly Kurdish northwestern region of the country over the Nov.…

Working people in Ukraine key to fight against Moscow’s war

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Oleg Shumei performs “Maidan” and other songs at Nov. 21 Maidan Reminiscences event in Lviv, Ukraine, on ninth anniversary of onset of popular uprising that overthrew pro-Moscow regime of Viktor Yanukovych. Dignity and Freedom Day was celebrated all across Ukraine.

The determined resistance of Ukraine’s working people and the country’s fighting forces continues to deal military setbacks to the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his assaults against the existence and independence of their country. Putin also faces growing…

Toronto forum discusses class battles in North America

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Toronto forum discusses class battles in North America

TORONTO — “A lot of anger has been building in the working class as bosses and capitalist governments deepen their attacks on our wages and working conditions across North America and worldwide. We will see more labor actions like the…

Ontario school workers debate vote on gov’t contract offer

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
School workers and supporters rally in Toronto Nov. 4 after CUPE members walked off job, forcing Ontario government to back down, rescinding draconian anti-strike law. This set an example for unionists everywhere facing gov’t threats against use of union power to support workers’ interests.

TORONTO — The Canadian Union of Public Employees, representing 55,000 Ontario education workers, agreed Nov. 20 to present a proposed contract from the Ontario provincial government to the workers for decision and called off a strike set to begin the…

Ontario school workers step up fight for wage increases

Vol. 86/No. 44 - November 28, 2022
In Ontario, Canada, striking school workers, above, won solidarity, forced provincial government to junk anti-strike law. Fight has inspired working people, boosted fights by other unions.

MONTREAL — The Canadian Union of Public Employees continues to mobilize and gain widespread solidarity in the fight to win significant wage raises for its 55,000 members working in public education support jobs in Ontario and set an example of…

Lessons of Cuban ‘missile’ crisis: ‘Unity of Cuban people’

Vol. 86/No. 44 - November 28, 2022

MONTREAL — Forty people joined in a meeting here Oct. 29 to mark the 60th anniversary of the 1962 Cuba “missile” crisis and to discuss two books, October 1962: The ‘Missile’ Crisis as Seen From Cuba and Making History: Interviews…