SWP: Workers need our own party, a labor party based on our unions

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023

Statement by Ilona Gersh, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Chicago, Dec. 28. Recent experiences of millions of working people have driven home the fact that the key division in U.S. politics is not the conflicts between Democrats and…

US rail workers discuss fight over crew size, safety, deadly schedules

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023

CHICAGO — Even though the country’s 115,000 rail workers have been saddled with a government-imposed contract that unions representing a majority of the workers had voted down, they continue to seek to use their unions to fight for livable schedules,…

Defend Ukraine independence! Demand Moscow troops out now!

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023
In mid-November, women protested outside offices of Russian military from St. Petersburg, above, to Ulyanovsk, over the treatment of conscripted relatives. Placard demands investigation of deaths and injuries of those sent to Ukraine front lines from the Belgorod region.

Working people in Ukraine continue to lead the defense of their homeland from deadly bombardment and war moves carried out by the forces of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime. They’ve pushed Moscow’s invaders back from over half the territory Russian…

Iran protests: ‘Stop all the executions! Free prisoners!’

Actions feed divisions among capitalist rulers
Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023
Hundreds gather in Sanandaj, in Kurdish region of Iran, to mark life of Aram Habibi Dec. 26, 40 days after he was killed by regime’s thugs. Mourners chanted, “Down with the dictatorship.”

In the face of more than 100 days of protests across the country by working people and youth, the capitalist government of Iran is suffering from deepening factional divisions over how best to proceed. The outpouring of opposition to the…

Fort Worth cop convicted for killing of Atatiana Jefferson

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023
Hundreds have protested cop killing of Atatiana Jefferson three years ago, finally winning conviction of Aaron Dean for manslaughter. Parade in her honor in Fort Worth, Oct. 9, 2021.

FORT WORTH, Texas — Three years after he shot and killed Atatiana Jefferson in her own home, police officer Aaron Dean was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 11 years, 10 months and 12 days in prison. He will have…

African Studies conference discusses road forward

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023

PHILADELPHIA — Some 1,400 people, mostly from universities in the United States, Canada and some African countries, attended the African Studies Association conference here Nov. 17-19. They discussed the social and political crises produced by imperialist exploitation of the continent’s…

Counterrevolutionary coup led to US invasion of Grenada

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023
Fidel Castro said social program of Maurice Bishop, center, who led 1979-83 workers and farmers government in Grenada, “had support of the immense majority.” Counterrevolutionary coup in October 1983 led by Bernard Coard destroyed the revolution, led to US invasion.

To mark the anniversary of the Jan. 1, 1959, popular triumph in Cuba, the first of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for January is Fidel Castro: Nothing Can Stop the Course of History. It is a wide-ranging interview by Jeffrey…

HarperCollins strikers fight for higher wages, union rights

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023

NEW YORK — “We’re fighting for higher wages and union security,” Laura Harshberger, a senior production editor and chair of the bargaining unit at HarperCollins, told the Militant. Some 200 workers — hourly employees in editorial, sales, publicity, design, legal…