NY action demands end to US-South Korea war games

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023

NEW YORK — Some 120 people gathered here April 29 to demand an end to the bellicose annual U.S.-South Korea war games, an end to all sanctions imposed on North Korea by the U.S. government, and an end to U.S.-imposed…

Defend political freedoms under assault from the Democrats, FBI

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023
FBI agents raid Socialist Workers Party Minneapolis headquarters, June 1941, opening move in rulers’ assault on SWP’s opposition to imperialist war. Prosecutors won conviction of party, Teamsters leaders on frame-up charge of “conspiracy to advocate overthrow of government.”

Since before the 2016 election, Democrats and their backers in the middle-class left have gone after Donald Trump and his supporters, using their main political police agency, the FBI, and the capitalist court system to attack them, especially the working…

Thousands join May Day protests around the world

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023

Squeezed by inflation and worsening job conditions, hundreds of thousands of workers worldwide took to the streets May 1 determined to fight against the capitalist bosses’ attempts to push their growing economic crisis onto our backs. Tens of thousands of…

Residents demand the truth about East Palestine disaster

Rail union speaks out, blames profit drive of bosses
Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023
Rail union paper says Norfolk Southern bosses’ profit drive is responsible for disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. Fight put up by area residents, rail unionists shows potential for them to work together to take control of working conditions on the railroad, living conditions in that region.

Working people in East Palestine, Ohio, continue to fight to get the truth from the rail bosses and Environmental Protection Agency representatives who claim everything is safe now after the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern derailment and release of highly toxic…

US Supreme Court halts Richard Glossip execution

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023
Death penalty opponent Sister Helen Prejean speaks at protest against execution of Richard Glossip May 4 at Oklahoma Supreme Court. State attorney general also opposes his execution.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled May 5 to block the state of Oklahoma from executing death row inmate Richard Glossip. The execution had been scheduled for May 18 after the state’s Pardon and Parole Board voted 2-2 on his appeal…

A soldier of the revolution

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023

Tomás Diez Acosta, author of October 1962: The ‘Missile’ Crisis as Seen from Cuba, published in English by Pathfinder Press, died in Havana April 17 at the age of 76. Diez wrote over a dozen books about U.S.-Cuba relations; but…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023

May 25, 1998 MIAMI — For the first time in years, a prominent leader of the fight for Puerto Rican independence spoke in this city. Rafael Cancel Miranda was the featured speaker May 2 at a meeting that joined the…

‘The woman question can’t be divorced from the class question’

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023
Women workers from coal processing plants join miners’ protest demanding payment of back wages on Independence Square, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 30, 2020. Evelyn Reed wrote that beauty comes out of humanity’s evolution through labor, not profit-driven fashions and cosmetics.

Cosmetics, Fashions, and the Exploitation of Women by Joseph Hansen, Evelyn Reed and Mary-Alice Waters is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for May. What began as a 1954 debate in the Militant over how big-business marketing of cosmetics…

‘Alone we will be defeated, together we can win’

Meeting in Havana discusses working-class course of the Socialist Workers Party
Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023
April 25 presentation in Havana discussed Pathfinder Press book The Low Point of Labor Resistance Is Behind Us: The Socialist Workers Party Looks Forward. Bottom, from left, Mary-Alice Waters, Socialist Workers Party; and Noemí Rabaza, Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples.

HAVANA — Amid preparations by working people across Cuba to celebrate May 1, International Workers Day, a special event was held here to discuss a new book by Pathfinder Press, The Low Point of Labor Resistance Is Behind Us: The…