Prisoner hunger strike in Bahrain inspires protests

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

Since Aug. 7, more than 800 prisoners in Bahrain have been conducting that country’s largest-ever hunger strike, protesting intolerable conditions, including systematic mistreatment, medical neglect and limited visitation. Their actions have inspired street protests led by prisoners’ families, above, calling…

Labor Day actions highlight union struggles worldwide

Thousands join Labor Day rallies, back union battles
Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023
Above, strikers from Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists march in New York City Labor Day Parade Sept. 9. Inset, UAW contingent at the Nashville, Tennessee, Labor Day march.

NEW YORK — Thousands joined the Labor Day Parade up Fifth Avenue here Sept. 9 in one of the liveliest actions by the union movement in years. The mood of union power was highlighted by the boisterous 1,000-strong contingent of…

SWP campaign builds union fights, points road forward

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023
Medical assistant Dulce Norberto-Pina, right, and her daughter, Maritza, center, talk with SWP member Andrea Morell at Labor Day protest in Oakland, California. Norberto-Pina said she related to the union sign, “I can’t afford to live where I work.”

At labor day events across the country and other union actions, Socialist Workers Party candidates and supporters are getting a welcome response as they bring solidarity and introduce the party’s program to advance the interests of the working class. The…

Autoworkers fight for big pay boost, end to two-tier

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023
Members of United Auto Workers Local 551 rally in their union hall in Chicago Sept. 8. If no agreement is reached by Sept. 14, 150,000 autoworkers at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis voted 97% to strike.

CHICAGO — The 150,000 members of the United Auto Workers at the Big Three auto companies — Ford, General Motors and Stellantis — voted by 97% to strike if their demands aren’t met by the bosses before their contract expires…

Iran protests mark Zhina Amini death

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

Just 10 days before the anniversary of the Sept. 16, 2022, death of the young Kurdish woman, Zhina Amini, at the hands of the hated “morality” police, the regime arrested her uncle, Safa Aeli, in her hometown of Saqez. Amini…

NYC Democrats move to refurbish Red Squad, attack political rights

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

The New York City Police Department announced July 18 the appointment of Harvard graduate and long-time intelligence department operative Rebecca Weiner as deputy commissioner of the city’s notorious intelligence and counterterrorism unit — better known as its Red Squad. She…

New Syria actions decry conditions, call for ouster of the Assad regime

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

For the first time since the defeat of the mass popular uprising against the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria in 2011, sizable new protests against dire economic conditions and Assad’s dictatorial rule erupted in mid-August and have continued into September…

CL in Canada: ‘Drop charges against Freedom Convoy truckers’

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023
After using armed cops, gov’t Emergencies Act to crush “Freedom Convoy” protest in Ottawa, Canadian rulers have deepened assault on unions and political rights crucial for working class.

MONTREAL — “The frame-up trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber is the latest attack on the February 2022 Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa by truckers and others opposed to vaccine mandates that barred truckers from making trips to and…

Working people in Ukraine fight to defend their independence

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023
Russian police arrest Elena Osipova, “the conscience of St. Petersburg,” in that city, March 2, 2022. Kremlin’s repression has suppressed but not prevented widespread anti-war sentiments.

At the heart of the courageous struggle by working people in Ukraine to defend their country against the invasion by Russian President Vladimir Putin is their centurieslong quest for national self-determination. They won their independence as a result of the…

With proper leadership, the working class can overcome

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

Teamster Bureaucracy by Farrell Dobbs is one of the Books of the Month for September. The last of his four volumes on the Teamsters, it covers the political campaign to organize working-class resistance to the bosses’ attacks and the U.S.…