SWP campaigns with ‘Militant,’ books, working class program

Vol. 87/No. 37 - October 9, 2023
Laura Garza, right, SWP candidate for U.S. Senate in California, in San Leandro Sept. 24. She urged workers who signed for party’s right to be on ballot to support striking UAW members.

OAKLAND, Calif. — “When the working class starts to stand up, as they’re doing today, everything changes. More workers start to think, what can I do?” Laura Garza, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from California, said at a…

Cuban president speaks in Harlem on Malcolm X-Fidel Castro meeting

Vol. 87/No. 37 - October 9, 2023
Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel speaks at Malcolm X Center in Harlem, New York, Sept. 18.

NEW YORK — Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel spoke about the impact Malcolm X had on a generation of youth and revolutionaries in Cuba during a visit to the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center here Sept.…

March in Jersey City protests cop killing of Drew Washington

Vol. 87/No. 37 - October 9, 2023

JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Chanting “Say his name: Drew Washington!” 100 people marched and rallied at City Hall here Sept. 20 protesting the Aug. 27 police killing of Andrew Jerome Washington. He suffered from bipolar disorder. Handwritten signs included “Schizophrenia…

Older workers face economic crisis, insecurity, growing homelessness

Vol. 87/No. 37 - October 9, 2023

Despite self-congratulatory reports in the liberal capitalist media that the U.S. economy is doing great, working people increasingly face a growing social crisis today. More and more older workers are losing their lodging, consigned to a shelter or onto the…

SWP campaign wins hearing for party program, solidarity with UAW

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023
Socialist Workers Party member Betsy Farley, right, discusses significance of United Auto Workers strike with Local 12 members on the picket line in Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 18.

At plant gates, demonstrations, on workers’ doorsteps and strike picket lines, Socialist Workers Party candidates and supporters get a serious hearing on the party’s program and respect for their efforts to get out the truth about working-class struggles and build…

Solidarity with UAW strike! Fight for whole working class

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023
United Auto Workers rally in Detroit Sept. 15, as UAW struck assembly plants at Stellantis in Toledo, Ohio; General Motors in Wentzville, Missouri; and Ford in Wayne, Michigan.

TOLEDO, Ohio — There is a working-class battle taking place in the auto industry today that all workers should support. Some 13,000 United Auto Workers’ members went on strike Sept. 15 at the Ford plant in Wayne, Michigan; General Motors…

As 2024 nears, Democrats step up attacks on political rights

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023
Boston cops seize socialist literature during 1919-20 Palmer Raids. Inset, Victor Berger’s 1918 Socialist Party election campaign. Congress voted 309-1 to bar him from office after he won.

The Democrats’ seven-year-long relentless campaign to drive Donald Trump out of politics and bar him from running for president in 2024 is becoming more frantic as the primaries come nearer. President Joseph Biden’s Justice Department and Democratic prosecutors in Georgia…

NY forum discusses fight for jobs, amnesty for immigrants

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023
May 1 march and rally in Milwaukee protests attacks on immigrant workers. Bosses scapegoat immigrants to divide working class, push down wages as capitalist crisis deepens today.

NEW YORK — “Fight for jobs for all  workers! Build the unions! A working-class response to the ‘migration crisis’” was the topic of a lively discussion at the Militant Labor Forum here Sept. 16. Speaking for the Socialist Workers Party…

Anti-union RICO law used to indict Atlanta protesters

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023

ATLANTA — Just weeks after former President Donald Trump and 18 of his political associates were indicted here on Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization charges, 61 opponents of the construction of an Atlanta police- and firefighting-training facility were charged with…

Miners face rise in black lung as bosses reap profits

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023

Black lung, a devastating and often fatal disease caused by prolonged exposure to dust that scars lung tissue, has been on the rise among coal miners over the past two decades, as the bosses’ drive for profits comes at the…