Defend constitutional freedoms won in over two centuries of class struggle

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023

Won over two-and-a-half centuries of bloody class struggle, key constitutional protections against government interference are under attack by President Joseph Biden’s administration. The push for even more prosecutions against former President Donald Trump, Biden’s main rival for the presidency, is…

The Putin regime and the defense of Ukrainian independence

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023
Dmitry Skurikhin painted on his store in the Leningrad region, “Peace to Ukraine, freedom for Russia!” and names of Ukrainian cities hit by Moscow’s invasion. Now under house arrest until July 19 trial for “discrediting” the army, he says many fellow villagers support his anti-war statements.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is purging his government and the military of supporters of the Wagner mercenary forces after their June 24  “march for freedom” on Moscow. While he seeks to refortify his regime he continues to lose ground in…

Crisis of capitalism, attacks on workers deepen in Europe

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023

Under the impact of rising prices coupled with declining production and trade worldwide, the capitalist economic crisis is deepening in Europe. And this feeds sharpening strains among the 27 governments that comprise the European Union as well as competition with…

Thousands protest after cops kill teen in France

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023

Protests and rioting have gripped the Paris suburb of Nanterre, home to tens of thousands of Arabs, Africans and other Muslims, since cops killed Nahel Merzouk, a teenager from the area, June 27. Merzouk came from an Algerian and Moroccan…

‘Strike is about respect,’ say Memphis BCTGM workers

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023
BCTGM Local 390 members picket International Flavors and Fragrances in Memphis, Tennessee, June 29, against cutbacks, for decent health coverage, higher pay for new hires.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — “This strike is about respect,” Tonya Walker, a 21-year employee at International Flavors and Fragrances and member of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 390G, told the Militant on the picket line here. “We were…

Canada longshore union strikes over jobs, work conditions

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023

MONTREAL — Some 7,400 members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada set up picket lines, halting maritime traffic at over 30 ports on Canada’s west coast July 1. Bosses are demanding the government intervene and impose back-to-work legislation…

The Weber decision: a gain for the working class

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023

In June 1979 the Supreme Court upheld a contract negotiated by the United Steelworkers of America with Kaiser Aluminum. In order to upgrade employment for those targeted by longstanding discrimination, the contract had established a quota that one-half of the…

US rulers double down on lies about Cuba-China ‘spy bases’

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023
May 28 protest at Miami airport against U.S. rulers’ six-decades-long economic and political war on Cuba. Washington’s China “spy base” smears are used to justify tightening embargo.

The administration of President Joseph Biden — along with the Wall Street Journal — is stepping up a drumbeat of baseless allegations that the Cuban government has teamed up with Beijing to set up a spy station in Cuba. Trying…

Iran oil union made strike gains, backs women’s rights

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023
Protest at copper complex in Kerman, Iran, June 30 against transfer of workers’ pension funds to Ministry of Welfare. Woman leader said they would block gate until they won.

Contract oil workers in Iran who made gains in a strike at over 100 worksites in April and May say they are now in a better position to prepare for future labor battles. Led by the Organizing Council of Oil…