Build support for today’s union struggles

Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023

The following statement was issued May 24 by Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey State Senate. Around the country Writers Guild members are striking against bosses’ drive to slash wages and residual payments, and worsen working conditions.…


Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023

The article “Conflicts, shifting alliances mark politics in the Middle East” in the May 29 issue of the Militant had a couple of factual errors in the section on Lebanon. It is true, as the article states, that Tehran on…

Working people in El Salvador seek way out of capitalist crisis

Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023
Prisoners at so-called Terrorist Confinement Center in Tecoluca, El Salvador. The prison is built to hold 40,000 people. Those incarcerated hit 4,000 in March, one month after it opened.

Riding a high approval rating amid widespread crime from his “war on gangs,” President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador is paving the way for reelection in 2024 despite a constitutional prohibition on serving a second term. On May 10, Bukele…

Negotiations with UPS continue, Teamsters prepare possible strike

Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023

NEW YORK — With most local contracts agreed to by UPS and union officials, negotiations have shifted to key national issues before the contract expires July 31. The Teamsters are demanding an end to two-tier wages for drivers, along with…

Clara Maass nurses in NJ fight for contract, increased staffing

Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023
Hundreds of nurses, members of 1199SEIU, rally for their first union contract May 16 at Clara Maass Medical Center in Belleville, New Jersey. Union is demanding safe staffing, higher pay.

BELLEVILLE, N.J. — “Safe staffing and fair pay, this is the way!” was among the signs at a rally of hundreds of nurses outside Clara Maass Medical Center here May 16. Last August 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East won nearly…

‘Striking for the contract we need,’ say Ohio battery workers

Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023

HOLLAND, Ohio — More than 400 members of United Auto Workers Local 12 at the Clarios battery plant here, near Toledo, went on strike May 8 after voting overwhelmingly to reject the company’s proposed contract. The factory produces 150,000 batteries…

Philadelphia Teamsters strike at Coca-Cola won broad solidarity

Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023

PHILADELPHIA — Teamsters Local 830 ended its nearly monthlong strike against Liberty Coca-Cola Beverages May 8. The union, representing 450 drivers, warehouse and production workers, set up picket lines April 16. The Liberty plant is the largest Coca-Cola producer and…

‘There is no solution to the Jewish question under capitalism’

Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023
When fascist groups called a rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939, 50,000 working people came out in New York for a countermobilization called by the Socialist Workers Party.

The French edition of The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation by Abram Leon is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for May. Leon’s centurieslong history of the Jewish people and the struggle against Jew-hatred was begun on the eve…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023

June 8, 1998 Striking Russian coal miners in Siberia and the North Caucasus lifted their blockade of the Trans-Siberian railway May 24 after government officials promised to pay overdue wages. Miners in Inta, near the Polar Circle, on strike since…