Leaks shine light on breadth of US spy operations around the world

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023

The leak of top-secret papers from the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff has shone a spotlight on Washington’s vast spy operations aimed at allies and antagonists alike. This material was apparently ferreted out not by a foreign agent,…

Faculty strikes three Rutgers campuses in New Jersey

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023
Faculty and graduate student workers picket Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 12. Five-day strike at three campuses statewide won wage raise for part-time teachers.

NEWARK, N.J. — Spirited picket lines went up April 10 at Rutgers University’s three campuses in New Brunswick, Newark and Camden. The strike by 9,000 faculty members — the first in 257 years — is the biggest public sector strike…

Cleanaway garbage-collectors strikes spread across Australia

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023

SYDNEY — Around 100 Transport Workers Union members rallied April 11 at the Cleanaway depot in Erskine Park in western Sydney as part of their fight for new contracts. Workers at the depot there were joined by union members from…

UMWA miners fight move to oust union at Warrior Met

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023

ATLANTA — “A few of our union members who are back at work have told us that there is a petition to decertify the union circulating in the mine,” United Mine Workers of America member Charles Foster told the Militant…

Join in Teamsters contract fight at UPS!

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023

Two-tier wages, part-time jobs, dangerous conditions, schedules that wreak havoc with workers’ lives and constant company harassment are what bosses impose on millions of workers. These are the conditions the Teamsters at UPS are fighting to change as they rally…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023

May 4, 1998 HAVANA — Three thousand delegates from 79 countries came here for an “International Meeting of Solidarity Between Women.” The focus of discussion was how to confront the growing attacks on the standard of living of working people…

Socialist Workers Party: End all US war ‘games’ aimed at NKorea!

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023
South Korean marine takes position as U.S. Marines disembark during provocative “Double Dragon” joint military exercise in Pohang, South Korea, March 29, targeting North Korea.

Washington, Seoul, and Tokyo have been carrying out a series of overlapping and provocative war games in South Korea aimed at intimidating the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the North. They are the largest military maneuvers there since 2018…

FBI unleashes spies on a Chicago bookstore

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023

CHICAGO — The owners of Pilsen Community Books here discovered the FBI has been spying on them. “They called us ‘pro-abortion extremists’ because we had a sign-painting event for the June 22 [2022] action supporting a woman’s right to choose…

New Iran-Saudi pact reflects cracks in US-led ‘world order’

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023
Agreement finalized in Beijing March 10 restoring diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia reflects shifts in position of Washington, Beijing in Middle East. Above middle, Wang Yi, China’s top foreign policy official, with representatives from both Arab-Persian Gulf countries.

The reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the Iranian and Saudi regimes — finalized in Beijing — is a reflection of the weakening of Washington’s role in the Middle East, although it remains the dominant imperialist power intervening there. The ruling…