Expand reach of the ‘Militant,’ get out book by SWP leaders

Vol. 87/No. 7 - February 20, 2023
Sports teacher Albert Patrick gets a Militant subscription and The Low Point of Labor Resistance Is Behind Us from Alyson Kennedy, SWP candidate for mayor of Ft. Worth, Texas, Feb. 5.

Through discussions at workers’ doorsteps in cities and the countryside, at union picket lines and social protests, members and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party and Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom are getting out the new…

Sanitation workers strike for raise, health care cost cap

Vol. 87/No. 7 - February 20, 2023

CAMDEN, N.J. —“Until you say ‘no,’ the companies are just going to keep taking back more,” striker Bob Klein told the Militant on an enthusiastic Feb. 4 picket line here by Teamsters Local 115. One hundred thirty sanitation workers —…

Moscow tightens grip on occupied Crimea

Vol. 87/No. 7 - February 20, 2023
From May 18-20, 1944, Stalinist regime in the USSR deported 200,000 Tatars from Crimea, slandering them all as Nazis.

Russian occupation forces have stepped up arrests in Crimea over the last several months, especially targeting Crimean Tatars for “crimes” such as singing songs in Ukrainian at their weddings. The assaults are fueling resistance to Moscow’s rule and the decadeslong…

Defend Ukraine independence! Defeat Moscow’s invasion!

‘Flower protests’ against Putin’s war spread in Russia
Vol. 87/No. 7 - February 20, 2023
“Flower protest” memorials protesting Moscow’s war in Ukraine are spreading across Russia. Above, placard in Perm reads, “Peace to Ukraine, freedom for Russia,” “No to war,” “This is happening, do not close your eyes.” It ends saying, “The people are the power.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin is amassing forces in preparation for a deadly spring offensive in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian military, backed by volunteers, is preparing to repulse Moscow’s attacks and launch a counter-offensive. Putin claims his…

Fight against Jew-hatred! SWP speaks out in New Jersey

Vol. 87/No. 7 - February 20, 2023

BLOOMFIELD, N.J. — More than 1,000 people took part in an interfaith rally at Temple Ner Tamid Feb. 2 in response to the attempted firebombing of the synagogue in the early morning of Jan. 29. No one was hurt. Just…