103 years since ‘Palmer Raids’ unleashed FBI against workers

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023
Mass arrests of union, communist militants during 1920 “Palmer Raids” under Democratic President Woodrow Wilson led to arrests of up to 10,000, politically motivated deportations.

“This Day in History” on Fox News retold the story about the Jan. 2, 1920, “Palmer Raids,” carried out by Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and his right-hand man, J. Edgar Hoover. They “unleashed a shocking…

Road to women’s emancipation debated at US women’s marches

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023
From left, nursing students Jessica Forsgren, Ashley Morgan discuss way forward with SWP Chicago mayor candidate Ilona Gersh and member Naomi Craine at Jan. 22 women’s rights rally in Madison, Wisconsin. SWP explains there is no “road to Black liberation or women’s emancipation separate and apart from working-class struggle to confront capitalism’s social crises.”

MADISON, Wisc. — Some 2,000 people took part in a women’s march and rally here Jan. 22 calling for the overturn of an 1849 state law banning nearly all abortions, and for the reopening of clinics that provide the procedure.…

Manchester rail workers join nurses pickets, bring support

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023
Maggie Heaton, left, Royal College of Nurses union representative for North West England, discusses strike for pay raise and improved working conditions Jan. 18 with rail workers Ólof Andra Proppé and Gary Boyle, who brought solidarity from Manchester Piccadilly Station.

MANCHESTER, England — “Representatives from the RMT and ASLEF rail worker unions came and showed their solidarity with the nurses. They handed around a sheet with 130 messages of support from workers from Piccadilly Station,” reported the Manchester Evening News…

Workers in France strike over attempt to raise retirement age

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

PARIS — Striking workers led over a million people at some 220 demonstrations across the country Jan. 19 to protest President Emmanuel Macron’s attempt to raise the retirement age. Protests were accompanied by strikes of gas, electrical and rail workers,…

Striking bus workers get hearing at Virginia King Day parade

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

LEESBURG, Va. — Striking Loudoun County bus operators, mechanics and other members of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689 marched in the annual Martin Luther King parade here Jan. 16. They formed part of a labor contingent that included the Northern…

Chicago university faculty strike for six days, win student support

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

CHICAGO — Nearly 900 faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago struck Jan. 17, demanding pay raises to keep up with inflation, job security and expanded mental health support for students. They are members of UIC United Faculty, an…

Paul Ehrlich is still peddling ‘population bomb’ hysteria

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

If you tuned into “60 Minutes” on Jan. 1 you heard Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist, tell the audience, “I and the vast majority of my colleagues think we’ve had it; that the next few decades will be the…

Ingredion workers win contract after six-month strike

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

CHICAGO — “I’m glad we stayed strong because we ended up with a lot better contract,” bakery worker Elaine Sweiger told the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Sweiger was one of 122 members of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local…

Atlanta cop attack, antifa riot lead to ‘terrorism’ charges

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

ATLANTA — Georgia State Patrol cops shot and killed Manuel Teran as they cleared out an encampment in Intrenchment Creek Park in Dekalb County Jan. 18. Teran was part of a group of middle-class radicals and anarchists attempting to block…

Drought crisis is result of profit system

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

Statement issued Jan. 25 by Ellie García, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from California in 2022. Working farmers are victims of conditions over which they have no control. But these are not primarily natural disasters such as the…