Fidel Castro: ‘Che’s ideas are absolutely relevant today’

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
Havana, November 1961. Che Guevara, minister of industry, gives “Territory Free of Illiteracy” banner to workers at paint factory. “We’re not trying to set a world record,” he said. “We’re teaching people to read and write so you can learn other things, and combine study and work.”

The following excerpts are from the speech by Fidel Castro on Oct. 8, 1987, at the main ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the death of Ernesto Che Guevara, held at the newly completed electronic components factory in Pinar del…

Pathfinder books win widespread interest at Havana Int’l Book Fair

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
Visitors crowd into central bookstore for Cuban publishers at Havana International Book Fair Feb. 24. Foreign and other Cuban publishers had stalls elsewhere around the book fair grounds.

HAVANA — The Pathfinder stand at the Havana International Book Fair was a center for nonstop discussion, as it has been for a quarter century. Hundreds of people came looking for books about the crisis-wracked capitalist world today, the history…

Socialist Workers Party joins actions demanding Moscow out of Ukraine!

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
Socialist Workers Party vice presidential candidate Margaret Trowe joined car caravan in San Francisco Feb. 24 backing Ukraine’s independence fight against Moscow’s invasion. Inset, Trowe addresses the rally.

Campaign supporters of the Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Leagues in Canada, Australia and the U.K. built and joined the tens of thousands worldwide who marched and rallied to protest Moscow’s war on Ukraine Feb. 24, marking the second…

Workers face crush of price rises as bosses boost profits

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024

In spite of falling prices overall, and claims by the president’s backers in 2024 that “Bidenomics” is a smashing success, working people continue to be hammered by high prices for groceries and other necessities. This occurs as a current uptick…

New protests against Hamas as Israeli forces make progress

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
Rafah, Gaza, protest against skyrocketing prices Feb. 28. Hamas steals part of the humanitarian aid, sells some of it at a huge profit, while civilians suffer impact of the war Hamas provoked.

An Israeli victory over Hamas — a group financed, organized and armed by Tehran that exists to kill Jews and drive them out of the Middle East — will be a blow to reactionary forces that promote Jew-hatred across the…

Ukraine unions call for solidarity against Moscow invasion

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
Workers from the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine deliver wood, other supplies to soldiers on the frontline in war to defeat Moscow’s invasion, defend Ukraine independence.

“The priority now is defending Ukraine,” Mykhailo Volynets, chairperson of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU) and of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine, told the Militant in a phone interview Feb. 14. The vast…

Opponents of Jew-hatred condemn harassment of New York mosque

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024

Two major organizations that fight antisemitism — the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County and the Anti-Defamation League — condemned the Feb. 23 harassment of worshippers and staff at the Islamic Center of Melville. Lawyer Jordan Endler reportedly…

Atlanta bakery stands up to Jew-hatred

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024

ATLANTA — “We came today to extend our solidarity to you and your family in standing up against the boycott of your store,” Lisa Potash, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Congress in the 5th District, told Sagi Shablis during a…

Teamsters’ newspaper helped win 1934 Minneapolis strikes

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
July 26 Organizer, daily broadsheet of Teamsters Local 574’s 1934 strike battles in Minneapolis. Crucial to winning victory, union prepared strikers for every move by bosses, the government.

The French edition of The History of American Trotskyism, 1928-1938: Report of a Participant by James P. Cannon is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for February. Cannon, a founding leader of the Socialist Workers Party, explains in the…