25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024

May 24, 1999 The U.S.-organized NATO forces bombed the central market and a hospital in Nis, Yugoslavia, in midday May 7, killing 14 civilians. They blasted the Chinese embassy in downtown Belgrade that night, killing three people. As protests erupted…

A road forward amid capitalist world disorder

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024

The capitalist rulers in the U.S. triumphantly declared the birth of a “new world order” after they emerged as top dog out of the second imperialist world slaughter in 1945. They declared another giant step forward with the collapse of…

Castro: ‘Debt to imperialist banks is unpayable, immoral’

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024
Banner in Puerto Rico, 2017: “The debt is not ours, it’s the empire’s!” Inset, Fidel Castro speaking Aug. 3, 1985, at “continental dialogue” in Havana, advancing campaign to demand foreign debt of the entire Third World be canceled. It is unpayable, and immoral, given the exploitation of semi-colonial countries by imperialism, he said.

Fidel Castro Speeches 1984-85: War and Crisis in the Americas is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for May. At a time when a new debt crisis is looming, we publish extracts from two interviews Cuban President Fidel Castro…

Working people in Iran oppose crackdown on rights, attacks on Israel

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024
Striking truck drivers protest at Merhan Iran-Iraq border crossing May 6, part of nationwide actions. Banner says, “Job security is equal to life security.” Workers in Iran pay the price for bourgeois clerical regime’s foreign military adventures.

While the reactionary bourgeois-clerical regime in Iran has tried to mount large demonstrations in solidarity with Hamas since its Oct. 7 pogrom against Jews in Israel — a massacre planned and carried out in close collaboration with Tehran — turnout…

Unionists rally on May Day to boost workers’ struggles

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024

Hotel workers and other unionists across the country took the May Day workers’ holiday to hold marches and rallies marking strikes and other fights with the bosses. Below are a few examples. Over 1,000 D.C. hotel workers march on May…

Richter campaigns with bakery workers in Chicago

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024
Richter campaigns with bakery workers in Chicago

CHICAGO — Workers changing shifts or on break at Alpha Baking Co. here May 7 talked with Dennis Richter, running mate of Rachele Fruit, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, as he shook hands with workers and campaigned there.…

Railroad, port workers in Canada vote to go on strike

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024
Canadian National Railway workers picket rail station in Capreol, Ontario, on Nov. 20, 2019, during Teamsters Canada Rail Conference nationwide eight-day strike for safety.

MONTREAL — Some 9,300 freight workers at Canadian Pacific Kansas City and Canadian National — Canada’s largest railways — and over 1,200 Montreal port workers have voted by big majorities to strike for better contracts. The rail workers are members…

Rachele Fruit wins support campaigning in Miami

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024

MIAMI — Kicking off her presidential campaign tour here May 1, Socialist Workers Party candidate Rachele Fruit joined 150 UNITE HERE hotel, airport food service and airline catering workers and their supporters in a rally at the downtown Stephen P.…

‘Gag’ order on Trump is attack on free speech

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024

For a second time, Judge Juan Merchan threatened to throw presidential candidate Donald Trump in jail for his public comments. Merchan’s assault on free speech came in response to a prosecutor’s motion for sanctions against Trump for an alleged violation…

Biden, bipartisan Congress expand FBI spy powers

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024

After a yearlong dispute, Democrats and Republicans reached a bipartisan agreement April 20 to renew and expand secret spy powers contained in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. In the process, they advanced steps to try to refurbish the reputation of…